Be Perfect as Him!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Let your light shine before men… (5:16)

Way of the Kingdom —- Core courses of Core values (Mt Ch.5-7 )
1. Character & connotation are more important than achievements and make-ups (5:1-9)
2. We as Aliens on earth will have great reward in heaven (5:10-47)
3. The true way is the narrow one; to gain, one should first loss (6:1-34)
4. Pain and sufferings first, and than comes glory (7:1-29)

* Michael Chang got champion in French Tournament” at his 17. His sponsor Reebok posted his photo in popular newspapers, stated , “At 17, someone went to Paris to study history, here is also someone creating history in Paris.” Michael Chang said in his autobiography : …”I know that there weren’t many times left for me as a professional player – if God permits…I am a Christian…I thank God in interview after the competition & give glory to Him. That is me . Even I left the tennis professional I will not change this identity…Life is not the shout of the crowd, interviews on TV, showing up in department stores or glorious victory only. I was led by Jesus Christ in first half of my life…I can’t imagine how I will go through these days without His love and guidance…Just like God has a plan for your life, He has a plan for my life.”

Rejoice , receive your King?

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments…

My king will return soon , the heaven will be filled by Him!
1. Recognize that Satan’s inciting is behind all trickeries & strife on the world?v.17…21?
2. That there are injustices on earth, but final judgment is true & righteous. ?v.1…7?

? Great harvests in season – fewdays ago 2 youth gospel meetings in HK – 2 young men spoke on the topic “The Amazing Discovery”, gaining 121 students for Christ! Praise the Lord! Sunday a great children meeting is going to be held, with 500+ children and 300+ parents to come. Pray for all the souls, adults’ and kids’.? also remember Sam Kong in yr prayers?

Live Pure!

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
I come quickly: hold fast what you have, that no one take your crown. <3:11>

Two callings of love – Jesus misses you :
1. Calling to repent (3:1-6) … church in Sardis has reputation of being alive but actually dead. However, God is still calling. Why do we have to disappoint with yr our church?
2. Calling to have victory (3:7-13) …church in Philadelphia is full of love, keeping God’s command, lifting up His name. Open heart to God leads to open door !

*Johnson Li writes from Toronto (15): 100 Verses that Change the World. (Mark 8:36) Francis Xavier (1500-1552)- he studied in Paris & became professor of philosophy. Being a successful young man, he spent his free time gambling. One day afterlecture, his old friend quoted him a verse, ‘For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?’ This verse changed his life. He quit the professorship, began evangelistic work in northern Italy. He traveled back & forth between India & Japan. worked in Goa & Moloccas, traveled through East Asia . He Gained 30000+ souls to Christ. Later he arrived at Guangdong. He died in the following year at the age of 46. What’s your purpose of life? Where are you heading off to? Let’s invest our lives in eternity!

Hear Him!

John 2, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
For the truth’s sake which abides in us and shall be with us to eterninty. <1:2>

Balanced life — love & truth are complementary :
1. To live out the truth in love (v.4-6) — Love is not based on emotion, but the words of God. Let the Words motivate your life!
2. To stand for the truth in love (v.7-11) — we are surrounded by many deceivers. Be aware of false teachings & say no to sin!

*widen your horizons with global vision — the calling from Africa: Bro Caleb Chu writes about Angola again, “God sent me to African for engineering work. People in this land are blessed by God. Although in poverty, they are incredibly happy – one day a driver played a music track in the car. I didn’t understand the lyrics but I knew it was the song we sang in church — So,we called each other as brotehrs! Angolans are very poor but they love God. How sweet the name of Jesus is!” (There are 55 countries in Africa with about 8 billion of population. South to Sahara desert, the number of AIDS patients counts 50% of total AIDS cases in world: 20.58 million!
Lift up yr hands & pray for this land!

Restore me!

Peter 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. <2:25>
..he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. <2:23>

Adversity does not mean hopelessness. Be submissive and you will see the blessing from above:
1. For the Lord’s sake, submit yourselves to the law, authority and to governors. (v.13-17)
2. Be conscious of God, bear up under the pain of suffering in your working place. (v.18-25)
In 1 Peter, the word ‘ submit’ is mentioned 7 times (2:13,18; 3:1,5,22; 5:5). For Peter & us, who used to go where we wanted (John 21:18), are now willing to suffer on earth in order to let people come to the Lord!

*A sister runs her business in Germany. She went back to HK and was invited to watch a gospel movie : “Love never fails” (A movie star Chan Shing Guan ??? gave up his career & follow the Lord. His wife took very good care of him when he got cancer). She was moved & started to seek for Christ. Now she is enthusiastic in spreading gospel, sacrifices to start missionary work in market place , helps church outreaching ministry– death was at work in Shing Guan, but life is at work in many people!
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