Reward from Our Father in Heaven! – Sunday Hope_09/01/2022

Matthew, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Our Father Knows Our Need Already! – Sunday Hope 09/01/2022 Matthew 5

…because you cannot make one hair white or black. (v36)

* God has sovereignty over all – even over a tiny hair of ours! May God help us, so we will show Him our reverence for each of our hairs! May the world be transformed through the Lord’s virtues and His life, so the goodness of the Heavenly Kingdom will be experienced by our families and cities.


* MV of a motivational song, original composition. Performed by Casey Tse/謝文雅 Steel-strong Wings(鋼之翅膀)
(Tears of Blessing. SOBEM production, Australian series, in Cantonese with English subtitles)

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Heavens and Earth Perish but You Remain! Sunday Hope_26/12/2021 (Revelation 17)

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His Truth Endures to All Generations! – Sunday Hope 26/12/2021 Revelation 17

These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and those who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful. (v. 14)

* The seven kings are symbols of the Roman Empire of the human world and its power, manipulated by the Beast to persecute the church of Christ. Hear the announcement of the Holy Spirit to past and present-day believers: Victory is not won by our own power or strength, but by following the Lamb—Lord of lords, and King of kings. Come partake in His victory,

Revelation 17

* They shall fear You as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations.
My Eyes Have Seen You, a Christian song with lyrics above, sung in Mandarin(親眼看見祢)

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He Opens and No One Shuts! Sunday Hope_12/12/2021

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Be Zealous and Repent! – Sunday Hope 12/12/2021 Revelation 3

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten…. (v19)

* Approaching the end of 100AD, Christians were in a dire situation. They were marginalised by society, slandered and persecuted, because they did not practise emperor worship, and did not take part in fornications and idolatries. Their livelihood and even their own life were under great threat. Added to these were heresies penetrating the church, and the temptation for believers to go after materialism and fame. Fully understanding their situations, John encouraged them to uphold faithfulness and perseverance, to reject heresies and lead a holy life. (extracted from the background of Revelation, Worldwide Chinese Bible/環球聖經譯本. To be continued.)

Revelation 3

* This month let us pray for the Africans and their churches who are in the new pandemic. Listen to the choral singing of young Christians from Cameroon, Congo, Kenya United in Song

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Smile at Adversity. Be Trusted with Big Things! Sunday Hope_05/12/2021

John 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

And God Abides in Him! – Ark Channel 051221 Sunday Hope I John 4

We love Him because He first loved us. (v. 19)

Final exhortation: Bear in mind two things:* Discern the spirit of truth and the spirit of error (v. 1-6). Love one another (v. 7-13) – love your brethren, love your spouse, love your neighbour!

1John 4

* Have the Lord in our heart! A beautiful hymn: Christ is Mine Forevermore

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Hope Joyfully, Endure Suffering, Persistent Praying! – Sunday Hope_28/11/2021

Peter 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Fervent in Spirit and Serve the Lord! – Sunday Hope 28/11/2021 1 Peter 5

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (v7)

* The wicked trio – World, Flesh, Satan—is watching us. Humble ourselves and receive mercy from God; His perfect will is hidden in His mighty hand. Cast our worries to God. He will protect us!

1Peter 5

* Chinese sermon on I Peter 5 by Rev. Gordon Siu / 蕭壽華, bidding Christians to be clothed in humility, be sober and steadfast arkchannel sharing

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Fruit of Righteousness Sown in Peace! Sunday Hope 21/11/2021

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Full of Mercy and Good Fruits! – Sunday Hope 21/11/2021 James 3

… If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man,… (v2)

* Our words affect people’s direction and destination. Our prudence of speech is weakened by social media. One can be anonymous behind the keyboard and attack others. O Lord, heal our heart! Help us to forgive and heal with gracious word!

James 3

* English hymn, with beautifully composed tune and lyric. Christ is Mine Forevermore

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Better and Lasting Possessions! – Sunday Hope_14/11/2021

Hebrews, Sunday Hope No Comments »

He who is Coming will Come! – Sunday Hope 14/11/2021 Hebrews 10b

For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. (v36)

Drawing back is an easy way. But are you happy with this?
1. Are we willing to be disciplined? Are we ready to be tried? Heavenly journey is the right path. Be bold and walk on it.
2. Support the weak when we are strong in faith. We will be supported someday when we grow tired.

Hebrews 10:19-39

* Who is like You? Your beauty is incomparable! Listen with our heart
Lenny LeBlanc – There is None Like You

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Come to the Throne of Grace! – Sunday Hope_07/11/2021

Hebrews, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Do Not Harden Your Hearts! Sunday Hope 07/11/2021 Hebrews 4

For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His. (v10)

* Our Lord can sympathise with our weaknesses. He understands our temptations and trials. Our triumphant Lord is forever living in us. “Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ.”

Hebrews 4

* Popular Hymns by the Media Evangelism Limited
因著信(Sung in Chinese by Suzan Guterres)
(Because of Faith, English lyrics)

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Lover of good, sober-minded, just! Sunday Hope_31/10/2021

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Eternal Life Promised before Time Began! – Sunday Hope 31/10/2021 Titus 1

holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught, that he may be able, by sound doctrine, … to exhort…. (v. 9)

* Can a parent evade his duty to discipline his child? In this crooked and perverse generation, where human nature is distorted, we ask God to embolden us to teach His holy word and influence life, sending wake-up calls to the world.

Titus 1

* We are under an unstable new normal. Quietly listen to The Petersens singing. I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

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Trust in the Living God! – Sunday Hope_24/10/2021 (1 Timothy 4)

Sunday Hope, Timothy 1 No Comments »

Exercise Ourselves toward Godliness! – Ark Channel 24/10/2021 Sunday Hope I Timothy 4

… the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those who believe. (v. 10)

* Submit ourselves to the words of faith and the good doctrine of God. Exercise ourselves towards godliness. Be a good example, for actions speak louder than words. Don’t neglect our gifts from God. Be a good teacher and a good shepherd

1Timothy 4

* Beautiful music of string instruments for calming us in God. Perfect for meditation and devotion. arkchannel hymns

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Wake or Sleep, Live Together with Him! – Sunday Hope_17/10/2021

Sunday Hope, Thessalonians 1 No Comments »

Pray Continually! Give Thanks in Everything! – Ark Channel 17/10/2021 Sunday Hope I Thes 5

Warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak,… (v. 14)

* The most important thing in time of darkness — Be the sons of light. Wait for our Lord’s return (v.1-11). Be a diligent shepherd. Be a good leader (v. 12-14). Be a good and joyful thanksgiver (v.15-28)!

1Thessalonisans 5

* To all on the life journey: My future is in Your hand. You lead me until the end. God’s Magnificent Love 神大愛 (Lyrics in English and Chinese)

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Nearer to Thee Daily All My Years! – Sunday Hope_10/10/2021

Colossians, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Triumphing in the Cross! – Sunday Hope 10/10/2021 Colossians 2

… but the substance is of Christ. (v17)

* Christ is mentioned 16 times in Colossians 2, from subsuming under Christ to enjoying Christ (v.1-10), from holding fast the headship of Christ to living with Christ (v.11-23)!

Colossians 2

* Cheerful sound of praise from God’s people! A thanksgiving medley to uplift the weary:arkchannel sharing

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Sing and Make Melody in Heart to God! – Sunday Hope_03/10/2021

Ephesians, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Giving Himself for the Church! – Sunday Hope 03/10/2021

This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. (v32)

A family-oriented church
1. Do we want to see husband and wife adoring each other as in their first love? Let the family be filled with the Holy Spirit always! (5:22-23)
2. Do we want to see loving parents and obedient children? Let them fear God, respect and encourage each other. (6:1-4)
3. Do we want to strive for excellence in the workplace? Let employers and employees serve God in the first place. (6:5-9)
* These are clues and glimpses of a glorious church!

Ephesians 5

A Chinese hymn with lyrics composed by Dr CHIU Man-chun /趙孟準醫生 Live a Life Without Regrets

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Children of God Through Promise! – Sunday Hope_26/09/2021

Galatians, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Labour Until Christ is Formed in You! – Sunday Hope 26/09/2021 Galatians 4

What then was the blessing you enjoyed?… (v. 15)

1. Shepherds and their flocks are closely connected. Be wary not to forsake the truth just for keeping the good relationship. (v.12-16)
2. Be wary of heresy-mongers. They appear to be zealous but harbour evil intentions.

Galatians 4

* A cancer patient who has undergone 5 surgeries and recovered – I have a life-saving song! He said, I sang and wept. I proclaimed that my life was not in the hands of earthly doctors, but in the hands of the greatest physician of the universe — my God….
arkchannel sharing

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Look Beyond and Be Not Disturbed! Sunday Hope_19/09/2021

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope No Comments »

He Who Glories, Let Him Glory in the Lord! – Sunday Hope 19/09/2021 2 Corinthians 10

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God…, (v. 4)

* The success of our ministry often hinges on spiritual warfare. Instead of carnal and impulsive reactions, we should face up our opponents with boldness, with dependence on anointing and authority of God. Let us respond with meekness, gentleness, courage, peace and patience, leading people to repentance and spreading the gospel far and wide.

2Corithians 10:1-17

* A beautiful Japanese hymn, with English subtitles:
Jesus, I’m in love with you

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Turn to God and the Veil is Taken Away! – Sunday Hope_12/09/2021

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Our Sufficiency is from God! – Sunday Hope 12/09/2021 2 Corinthians 3

You are our epistle… known and read by all men; (v. 3)

* Credentials, titles, commendations from celebrities may be useful in the path of ministry. Purity and truthfulness in real life are the best commendations that make us creditable to the churches.

2Corithians 3:1-18

* Hymn writer William Cowper lived by faith through depression. His famous hymn God Moves in a Mysterious Way, has been a help to many troubled souls who suffer emotional and spiritual hardships. Pay attention to the lyrics.

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Ebenezer! He Meets Our Everyday Needs! – Sunday Hope_05/09/2021

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Enlightened to See His All-Sufficiency! – Sunday Hope 05/09/2021 I Corinthians 14a

… God is truly among you! (v. 25)

Edification, the key word of I Corinthians 14:

* Christian meetings are not a competition of spiritual gifts. All activities and gifts are for edifying and building others up.

1Corithians 14:1-19

* Michelle WILLIAMS, a singer herself, struggled with depression. She just walked on by faith: A Faith Story

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Thinking How We May Please God! – Sunday Hope_29/08/2021

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

So We May Serve God Without Distraction! – Sunday Hope 290821 I Corinthians 7b

… yet I give judgment as one whom the Lord in His mercy has made trustworthy. (v. 25)

A Different Perspective of Life!
1. Honouring God – Whether in marriage or in virginity, we have a noble identity!
2. Caring for God’s things – Whether we have set up our own family or not, we keep ourselves holy.

1Corithians 7:17-40

* Delightful song lyrics and fun-filled performance The Brightest Star in Night Sky (夜空中最亮的星)

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He will Sustain You to the End! Sunday Hope_22/08/2021

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Say No to Divisiveness! – Sunday Hope 22/08/2021 I Corinthians 1

… but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (v. 18)

Great wisdom is found in humility and oneness!

1. It is God’s will to establish a grace-filled church. (v.1-9)
2. Gospel and the church is grounded in Christ and Christ crucified. (v.10-25)

1Corithians 1

* Synopsis of 66 books of the Bible in a song. Tunes adapted from Chinese folksongs, it is fifteen-minute long production by Singye Music, composed and sung by the two daughters of retired Reverend John LIU Hung Jen /劉弘仁 on world history and the answer to life

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Joy of the Lord is My Strength! Sunday Hope_15/08/2021

Roman, Sunday Hope No Comments »

The Holy Spirit Helps in Our Weaknesses! Sunday Hope 15/08/2021 Romans 10

For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” (v. 11)

How to be saved?
1. Accept the gospel. Believe in Jesus, the only Saviour. Call on His name.
2. Confess your sins. Ask the Lord for forgiveness and deliverance. Believe in your heart the Lord has died for you to take your sins away.
3. Confess the Lord with your mouth. Receive Him. Let Him reign in your heart.

Romans 10

* Appeal by a missionary we know in Afghanistan: Over 20 fellow workers are still stranded there. They may not be able to leave before the political takeover. Flight tickets are hard to find. Look up to the Lord for His peace and presence…. Covet your prayers.

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Spiritual Height More Important in Uncertainty! – Sunday Hope_08/08/2021

Roman, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Against All Hope, Believe in Hope! – Sunday Hope 08/08/2021 Romans 4

Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus! (v.24)

A vision of real faith (v.17):
1. Trust God to fulfil what He has promised
2. Trust God who calls into being things that were not
* Pray for granting me such faith through my life!

Romans 4:1-25

* Message summary (Chinese version) of Rev. Timothy San-Jarn Wu/吳獻章
Session 1, Revival Message, HK Bible Conference 2021
From Miserable to Blessed (從囚衣到彩衣)(真信心堅定持久)

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Push Through Hardship from Hardship! – Sunday Hope_01/08/2021

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Who Are You, Lord? – Sunday Hope 01/08/2021 Acts 26a

Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead? (v. 8)

* Our way ahead may look gloomy at times. But we are still zealous for God in the dark night. Even in the courtroom, the apostle called for people to decide for the Lord! Ever since we have met our Lord, we live with a clear conscience towards God and people. This is the kind of life shining with light!

Acts 26:1-18

* Pray and Participate: Hong Kong Bible Conference 2021 (August 1-10), is being held with a total of 26 sermons. Watch it live on the internet from Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. Mr Kwok-kuen Leung/梁國權 speaks on the Book of Joshua, Rev. Alex McCoy on the Book of James / Real faith (too many fakes nowadays), Rev. Timothy San-Jarn Wu/吳獻章 on ten topics of end times basing on 10 books from the Bible.

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From Individual to Team Work! – Sunday Hope_25/07/2021

Acts, Sunday Hope No Comments »

God Cares and Paves the Way – Sunday Hope 25/07/2021 Acts 20a

… Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight. (v. 7)

* Starting from this very chapter, narration of the evangelist mission turned from “my” work to “our” work. (Exegesis scholars describe this chapter and after as “The We Passage”.) Soon Paul would be imprisoned. “We”, and “They” would take over “My” work. A ministry team bigger in size and diversity was ushered on the stage of history.

Acts 20:1-16

* Sufficient Grace (恩典夠用), by Amy Sand /盛曉玫, Clay Music

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Strengthening the Churches! – Sunday Hope_18/07/2021

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Exhorting the Brethren with Many Words – Sunday Hope 18/07/2021 Acts 15b

men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (v. 26)

* Spiritual companions and both risking their lives for Jesus, Barnabas and Paul had disputes and even departed from each other. While Barnabas wanted to keep Mark in company, Paul dealt with him severely. Both contributed to grooming a young talent!

Act 15:22-41

*A gift for kids in their summer vacation –
* Stunning choir voices of brothers and sisters in Ghana, Africa: Standing on the Promises

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For God was with Him! Sunday Hope_11/07/2021

Acts, Sunday Hope No Comments »

The Lord Who Will Judge the Living and the Dead – Sunday Hope 11/07/2021 Acts 10b

Now Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his relatives and close friends. (v. 24)

1. Have we, like Cornelius, ever lifted up our non-believing family and people around to God?
2. Are we God-fearing and prayerful both at home and at work? Do we give gifts to the poor in action?

Act 10:34-48

* Listen to the Mandarin-Korean bilingual hymn worship by Sister Ashley Lee /李聖雅 of Korea 谷中百合花 / 내 진정 사모하는 (The Lily of the Valley)

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His Word Can Build You Up! – Sunday Hope_04/07/2021

Acts, Sunday Hope No Comments »

No Complaints and No Disputes – Sunday Hope 04/07/2021 Acts 6

Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly…. (v. 7)

Features of a believer – as lights shining:
1. Of good reputation (v.3)
2. Full of the Holy Spirit (v.3)
3. Full of wisdom (v.8)
4. Full of faith (v.5)

* Twists and turns fill the following chapters of Acts. Yet testimonies of surpassing life, which is an outcome from the knowledge of Christ, laid the foundation of church building and expansion.

Act 6

* Let us sing to praise and proclaim the hope granted by our God!
Songs Of Hope Medley. (2021) – Saddleback worship

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