Hear Our Lord’s Calling in Love! – Sunday Hope_27/06/2021

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Fear Not, Our Lord is Still Here! Sunday Hope 27/06/2021 John 21a

… Children, have you any food? (v. 5)

* Jesus has prepared the fire of coals, and fed us with fish and bread. He waited till we have regained our strength, and asked us three times, “Do you love me?” Have we ever thought about the painstaking efforts of our Lord to restore and make us whole?

John 21:1-24

* A hymn from the heart More Love to Thee O Lord(愛祢更深 ) by singer Charis Chua/蔡佳靈 from Malaysia. May the Lord fulfil this wish.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Sanctified by the Truth! – Sunday Hope_20/06/2021

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I Sanctify Myself! – Sunday Hope 20/06/2021 John 17b

Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, … (v. 24)

* O Lord, let our relationship with God our Father take priority, help us do everything for Your glory, to humble ourselves and uphold oneness, to stay away from evil, to be sanctified by the truth, and to experience the love and faithfulness of God our Father.

John 17:14-26

* From the heart of our Father’s beloved children, note the gratitude lyrics to our Father, sung in Cantonese: arkchannel hymns

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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled! – Sunday Hope 13/06/2021

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Our Advocate is Forever with Us! – Sunday Hope 13/06/2021 John 14a

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (v.1)

The Triune God is my eternal portion!
1. God the Son is the manifestation of God the Father (v7-9)
2. God the Father works in God the Son (v10)
3. God the Father is glorified through God the Son (v14)

John 14:1-14

* Violin live performance: When the Spirit of the Lord Comes Upon My Heart

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I Know My Sheep! – Sunday Hope_06/06/2021

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I Am the Good Shepherd! – Sunday Hope 06/06/2021 John 10b

… I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (v. 10)

* We are the lost sheep. The Lord seeks us. We are the perishing sheep. The Lord died for us. He gives us abundant life. He protects us with His great power. Even at the remotest corners of the world, our Shepherd is still there.

John 10:22-42

* Listen to this song about the Lord’s protection: The Eternal Protection (永久的保障, sung in Cantonese)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Save One More Soul! – Sunday Hope

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Judge with Righteous Judgment! – Sunday Hope 30/05/2021 John 7a

Then Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come…. (v. 6)

* He is the Son of God, Despite His infinity, He is willing to be confined by time. Let us also put away our own time-tables for the Lord’s glory.

John 7:1-24

* At a time when the choir was not able to assemble, he formed a one-man choir of nine singers by himself with the help of technology and beautiful voice ranges, to sing of the Lord’s blessings and peaceJohn Rutter arr.
Bobby Goulder (one-man choir)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Come and Drink of the Living Fountain! – Sunday Hope_23/05/2021

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Worship Him in Spirit and Truth! – Sunday Hope 23/05/2021 John 4a

… But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. (v14)

“Springing up” means “bursting out”. Wonderful work of the Holy Spirit alive on us!
I. John 4 begins with a woman seeking living water, followed by Jesus healing a nobleman’s son
II. These two incidents illustrate his saying: Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! (v35)

John 4:1-26

* Hark and behold, Agnus Dei (Worthy is the Lamb)
Michael W Smith & the First Dallas Choir & Orchestra

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Very Early in the Morning! – Sunday Hope_16/05/2021

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He Must Rise Again the Third Day! – Sunday Hope 16/05/2021 Luke 24a

He is not here, but is risen! (v.6)

Three Tips by the Resurrected Lord

1. They were faced with internal breakup and confidence crisis, social differentiation and looming persecution. What should His disciples do?
2. Eyes be opened. Take on the mission. Depend on the Holy Spirit. The Lord is ever present to safeguard and protect us with His love.

Luke 24:1-35

* A poem hidden in silence, a light shining through darkness. Listen to the Cantonese singing Hymn of Promise(應許的詩)

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A Poor Widow and Her Two Mites! Sunday Hope_09/05/2021

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Our Redemption Draws Near! Sunday Hope 09/05/2021 Luke 21a

… but she … put in all the livelihood that she had. (v.4)

Two kinds of offerings, Two kinds of end times
1. How much time is left for us to offer ourselves for God’s household? (v. 1-4)
2. God rules over history and human life, and by His protection we go through the battles in our life. (v. 5-38)

Luke 21:1-19

* Syrian Christians lift up the Name of Jesus in Damascus

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One Will Be Taken, the Other Left! Sunday Hope_02/05/2021

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Unchanging Love! – Sunday Hope 02/05/2021 Luke 17b

Remember Lot’s wife. (v.32)

How should we live our lives on earth?
1. Care for the weak and the little ones with love. Forgive others. Serve the Lord. (v. 1-10)
2. Don’t forget to give thanks. Wait for the Lord’s return during the distressing end times (v. 11-37)

Luke 17:20-37

* 謝謝你的愛 (Thank You for Your Love), a beautiful tune and gentle song. (English article published by Narramore Christian Foundation)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

I Have Overcome the World! Sunday Hope_25/04/2021

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Boast Only in the Cross! – Sunday Hope 25/04/2021 Luke 14

For whoever exalts himself will be humbled…. (v.11)

Salvation is a sumptuous feast, not a mournful funeral:
1. We are the Lord’s servants. Even though we are faced with rejection, we should still try hard and invite guests to the feast!
2. The least expected people may become the honoured guests of God’s feast!

Luke 14:15-35

* This Blood melodious singing by the West Coast Choir

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Love Your Neighbour As Yourself! Sunday Hope_18/04/2021

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Who is My Neighbour? – Sunday Hope 18/04/2021 Luke 10b

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with al your strength, and with all your mind…. (v.27)

* Jesus reminds us not to rejoice in the effective results of our service, that demons are subject to us, but rather rejoice because our names are written in heaven (10:20). A sweet relationship with God is better than reputation and position in the religious circle.

Luke 10:25-42

* Online Gospel Meeting “生命的再思/Rethinking Life” — testimony and gospel message. Speaker: Dixon Ip / 葉特生(Organiser: Chinese Baptist Church)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

God Cares, God Remembers! Sunday Hope_11/04/2021

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Had Compassion on Her – Sunday Hope 11/04/2021 Luke 7

… he sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading with Him to come and heal his servant. (v.3)

The Four Gospels reported in two accounts that the Lord was amazed
1. He marveled at the faith of a gentile (Luke 7:9)
2. He marveled at the unbelief of the Israelites (Mark 6:6 – marveled/was amazed)
* God transcends all space. Humbly tell Him that “I did not even think myself worthy, I am not worthy…”. He is willing to say the word and deliver us from our troubles!

Luke 7:1-35

* The Lord has taken his servant Rev LIN Tak-kit / 連達傑home. Rev Lin was a man of passion, lover of God and lover of people, waiting earnestly for revival. May the Lord remember his wife, his daughter and loved ones, and cover them with peace. Rev Lin’s Chinese sermon 求復興祂的作為 (Plea for God’s Revival of His Work)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Gospel Proclaimed to the Poor! Sunday Hope_04/04/2021

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Compassionate God for the Weak Ones! – Sunday Hope 04/04/2021 Luke 3b

… and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. (v.21)

* Praise God for bringing the Saviour to “outsiders”. As described in Luke, this is a gospel for the world, a gospel for the poor, a gospel for the outcast, and what is more, a gospel full of human touch.

Luke 3:21-38

* Hadleigh Baptist Church, Ipswich, England, singing aloud “In Christ Alone”. In this world, at this age, let us reflect on the lyrics. Gaze upon Him!.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

He Has Risen! He is Not Here! – Sunday Hope_28/03/2021

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The Lord Working with Them – Sunday Hope 28/03/2021 Mark 16

… Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (v.15)

Darkness, Death, Absurdity – these will not last forever
Resurrection of Christ – this presents 3 great things:

1. Brand new opportunity to preach the gospel
2. Miracles and signs to follow our way
3. Lord of heaven and earth to work with us

Mark 16

* Letter from Dixon Ip / 葉特生 (Los Angeles) –- Peace was all around under the pandemic. I took the second dose of Moderna jab yesterday. No discomfort. My health is in good shape. I jog outdoors in the morning and evening, 3 miles each…. The hospital is assessing liver transplant for me. Various tests were taken. The cancer specialist was to write a final report but did not know how to begin. It began like this, “An extraordinary case…. Two years and a half have passed since the diagnosis. But the cancer cells have not spread. Tumour has not grown larger. My suggestion is to put everything on hold. Re-examination is the best way we can do. Is it really cancer, or what cancer cells are they?” Glory to God! I have just videoed a gospel sermon at home for the local church, to be broadcast in April at the gospel crusade. (Local church meetings are still held online.)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Preach Gospel First to All Nations! – Sunday Hope_21/03/2021

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Be a Testimony Before Rulers and Kings! Sunday Hope 21/03/2021 Mark 13

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom…. (v.8)

Tips for living in the End Time:
1. Truth and falsity – Beware of fake religions! (v.5)
2. Ask and seek – God’s word is the only touchstone! (v.23)
3. Winds and storms – Pray with caution, only the Lord Himself is our pursuit! (v.33)

Mark 13

* It is our invisible friend who leads us through the dark night. Listen to the heart-warming song in Mandarin
arkchannel sharing

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Kingly Grace as Spring Showers! – Sunday Hope_14/03/2021

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If Salt Loses Its Flavour… Sunday Hope 14/03/2021 Mark 9b

… Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another. (v.50)

* Even if we have been at the peak of our spiritual journey (v. 1-8), even if we might have great prophets like Elijah in church (v. 9-13), even if we have the power to cast out demons and understand the suffering of our Lord (v. 14-32), we will be as good as tasteless salt if we ignore our brothers, lacking humility in serving and the peace with another (v. 33-50). Then we will not be able to pass the final test of our Lord’s discipleship training!

Mark 9:30-50

* Hymn of Promise, a well-known song by Natalie Sleeth: There is a song in every silence. There is a dawn in every darkness!

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

God Loves & Affirms You Unto The End! – Sunday Hope_07/03/2021

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The Head of John the Baptist! 07/03/2021 Sunday Hope Mark 6

And they went out and preached that people are to repent. (v12)

* If Jesus is truly the Messiah. how would there be any “accident” when we work in response to His calling! If at all there were any danger, trust our Father who holds us in His care! (6:1-32)

Mark 6:1-29

* A new song of encouragement and comfort to our new generation, listen to “I Shall Not Want/沒再所求” and enjoy the beautiful pictures.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Come and Follow, Come and Serve! – Sunday Hope_28/02/2021

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Come and Follow Me! Sunday Hope 28/02/2021 Mark 2b

… I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (v.17)

Be Quick and Nimble!
1. Thank you, Jesus! You are the Lord who forgives sins, the friend of sinners, the Lord of Sabbath!
2. You come and call us, when we are lost in sins, when we are lonely and in distress!

Mark 2:13-28

* Lord I Love You with My Heart (主啊,我心愛你in Mandarin) was composed by Brother Calvin Chao /趙君影 during the war period. He was invited to preach the gospel in a certain place. He did not have the money to travel there. He prayed with his wife and they sensed there was something at home they had not offered to the Lord– their wedding ring! They took it to the pawn shop on a rainy day. He took a few steps back and could not hold his tears. Yet he knew that it was the will of the Lord and it was more important to save souls. He was moved by the Holy Spirit and composed this song, which he passed down to the future generations. Note the lyrics too. (They gained many young souls overseas years later.)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

His Disciples Forsook Him and Fled! Sunday Hope_21/02/2021

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He is Coming on the Clouds! – Sunday Hope 21/02/2021 Matthew 26

… Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times… (v.75)

Human frailty of Peter – Only with God’s extraordinary mercy can we face evil schemes and hard pressure
1. God allows us to fail, imprinting the mark on us. God also forgives and accepts us as we are, humbling us more!
2. Satan is sifting us like wheat. Yet our Lord prays for us so that we will not lose our faith.

Matthew 26:1-25

* Rock of Ages, transcendent and timeless. Watch this video of young people singing on the high mountain Rock of Ages Cleft for Me

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Kingly Grace, like Spring Clouds, like Timely Showers – Sunday Hope_14/02/2021

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Guard Our Path and Keep Our Life! Sunday Hope 14/02/2021 Matthew 23b

… first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish… (v.26)

The Lord’s reproach: eight woes to the hypocrites.
Take heed therefore:
Never forget to walk our talk
Never pursue vain glory
Never live like a holy city, in grandeur but without the presence of the Lord

Matthew 23:23-39

* Listen to the melodious ONE theme song in Chinese
唯一的基督 (Christ the Only One) (in Cantonese)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Why Standing Here Idle All Day? Sunday Hope_07/02/2021

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You also Go into the Vineyard! – Sunday Hope 07/02/2021 Matthew 20a

… and whatever is right I will give you…. (v.4)

Be a labourer in the vineyard. Come to receive grace:
1. The Lord’s generous grace. It comes even on me. (v.1-16)
2. The Lord’s sacrifice and resurrection. His service comes through suffering. (v.17-19)

Matthew 20:1-16

* Hours of choral hymn classics. No instruments. Heavenly voices! arkchannel sharing (in Cantonese)

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Be a Sower, not a Windwatcher! – Sunday Hope_31/01/2021

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God Has Made Everything Beautiful in Its Time – Sunday Hope 31/01/2021 Matthew 16b

… You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. (v.16)

Know Him, Connect with Him:
1. The Cross of Christ – Follow His example. Obey God’s will. Yield not to man’s plan. (v. 21-23)
2. The Cross on Us – In face of sufferings, choose life. Our reward is in the future. (v. 24-28)

Matthew Matthew 16:13-28

* BBC Songs of Praise, The UK’s Favourite Hymn – Top ten hymns with most votes. Praises reach up to the heavens

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

More Thanks, Fewer Sighs! Sunday Hope_24/01/2021

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Yielding Crop a Hundredfold! – Sunday Hope 24/01/2021 Matthew 13

… For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. (v.21)

The Lord Sows His Word into Our Heart:
1. A heart at the wayside – the sown word is snatched before it grows
2. A heart of shallow and stony soil – the sown word is scorched as soon as it grows
3. A heart of thorny soil – the sown word is choked without yielding crops
4. A heart of good ground – being serious to God’s business and yields plentiful crop

Matthew 13:1-30

* Theme Song for ONE Hearing the Word Campaign, a global campaign to inspire listening to the Bible. Unfolding the vision of Matthew 28 and Revelation 22, the harmonious song is composed for unity — One Lord, One God, One Hope!

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

New Face, New Grace! Sunday Hope_17/01/2021

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Have Mercy on Us! – Sunday Hope 17/01/2021 Matthew 9b

… the harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. (v.37)

Two heart-wrenching scenes in the Lord’s eyes (9:36-37):
1. Affliction (shepherdless sheep) – many are weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.
2. Urgency (plentiful harvest) – harvest at the end times is ready for collection, but workers are few!

* His compassionate heart motivates us!

Matthew 9:18-38

* Praying for the wounded city—Italian musician Roby Facchinetti offered a song to Bergamo, a city severely afflicted by pandemic Rinascerò Rinascerai(I’ll Be Reborn, You’ll Be Reborn)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Deliver Us from Evil! Sunday Hope_10/01/2021

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Your Kingdom Come! – Sunday Hope 10/01/2021 Matthew 6

… For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (v.13)

Three acts of godliness!
1. Do good in the secret, for reward from God only
2. Give to help others, for the glory of God only
3. Pray to our Heavenly Father, for the ears of God only

Matthew 6

* A song that melts our heart: 釘痕的手 (His Nailed Hands)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Going from Strength to Strength! Sunday Hope_03/01/2021

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Stay There Until I Bring You Word! – Sunday Hope 03/01/2021

… and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (v11)

Offer the Lord Your Best!
1. Hear His Word in the morning, and die with content in the evening. What else do we need if we can see our blessed Lord, the Holy One!
2. Every precious gift – gold, frankincense and myrrh –so pleasing and fragrant, do we offer Jesus our all?

Matthew 2

* Touching song in Taiwanese Hokkien: 牽我的手 (Take my hand)

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