Silver and Gold? Or Hay and Wood? – Sunday Hope_27/12/2020

Revelations, Sunday Hope No Comments »

He Will Avenge Them on Her! – Sunday Hope 271220 Revelation 18

Rejoice over her… for God has avenged you on her! (v20)

God has remembered her iniquities!
1. Babylon the Great, a symbolic city of the demonic work of Satan over the ages, also widely applicable to the wicked military and economic systems that came after the Roman Empire. (v1-19)
2. Despite our living in this world, God calls our heart to come out of the unrighteousness and vanity of materialistic desires. The sinful city will fall. The holy city is in sight! (v.20-24)

Revelation 18

* A mother of five boys, who can still sing with her sweet voice, having the Lord as her companion, closer in her walk with Him! Just a Closer Walk with Thee / Sounds Like Reign

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

In Search of the City to Come! Sunday Hope_20/12/2020

Revelations, Sunday Hope No Comments »

The Earth Was Tremendously Shaken! Sunday Hope 201220 Revelation 11

… In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven. (v13)

Who can stop God from revealing His wrath?!
1. In the end times God will shake both the earth and the heaven. All that can be shaken will be removed.
2. Cities built by man’s hands, and works built by us will be demolished. Only the unshakable nation will remain!

Revelation 11

< 天父知道> (Heavenly Father Knows), a Mandarin worship song on God’s blueprint of heaven and earth. Heart touching Christian music production by Amazing Grace Worship.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

See a Door Standing Open in Heaven! Sunday Hope_13/12/2020

Revelations, Sunday Hope No Comments »

God Worthy of Glory and Honour and Power! – Sunday Hope 131220 Revelation 4

The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. (v7)

The four living creatures before God – manifestation of the attributes of Christ:
1. The Four Gospels in the Bible depict the attributes of Christ – like a lion (kingship in Matthew), like an ox (servanthood in Mark), a man (perfect human nature in Luke), like an eagle (God’s transcendence in John)
2. Christians should act like a lion against the Enemy, like an ox towards God, human towards people, like a flying eagle in face of all situations!
* Are we faced with oppositions on all sides? We have the bountiful provisions from Christ in heaven!

Revelation 4

讓平安降臨人間 (Let Peace Descend on Earth)
* Listen to the Mandarin singing of Children from Malaysia, who prayed for peace of their nation and people in the world

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Hardships are Blessings in Disguise! Sunday Hope_06/12/2020

John 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Lay Down Our Lives for the Brethren! Sunday Hope 061220 I John 5

… that you may know that you have eternal life (v13)

With God we have hope!

1. Have a thorough understanding of the vicissitudes of life. Those without God are totally hopeless!
2. All empty rituals without God are idolatries. Have a pure heart and finish our heavenly journey!

1 John 5

* Rev. Gordon Siu/蕭壽華牧師 is discharged from hospital, 10 days after his cardiac surgery. It has been a hard time. But God has protected him in various ways. Let us pray for his recovery and ministry work! Listen to this Cantonese sermon by him on encouragement (He will always rejoice who looks up to the Lord’s lovingkindness)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Hi, Precious Faith! – Sunday Hope_29/11/2020

Peter 2, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Faith is our Everyday Life! – Sunday Hope 291120 II Peter 1

… to those who have obtained like precious faith with us…. (v1)

Who is the true leader?
1. Peter was a servant who characterized his time. Self-disciplined, not interested in power play, avoided being the focus of attention, his was a God-centred ministry, (v1-4)
2. The more experienced we are in ministry, the more we should empty ourselves. Be renewed, humble, diligent in pursuing God, especially with fresh insights in God’s word. (v5-21)

2 Peter 1

* A classical hymn presented in a new form, deepening our yearning for the Lord! Fairest Lord Jesus (Worship Circle Hymns)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

God Gives Grace to the Humble! -Sunday Hope_22/11/2020

James, Sunday Hope No Comments »

God Resists the Proud! – Sunday Hope 221120 James 4

… Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city… whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow…. (v13-14)

Two unwavering attitudes to Life:
1. Draw near to God and resist the attack of carnal desires (4:1-10)
2. Submit to God. He is the only one who holds tomorrow! (4:11-16)

James 4

* Shower of the Lord’s Blessings / 同沐主福蔭 , a Cantonese song with a familiar folk tune of Taiwan, composed in new lyrics by Brother Raymond Chin / 錢衞民老師 (Singapore)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Leaving, with No Idea Where To Go! – Sunday Hope_15/11/2020

Hebrews, Sunday Hope No Comments »

An Ark Built, A Family Saved! Sunday Hope 151120 Hebrews 11

The letter’s ancient addressees were in mishaps and miseries (v.35-40)

Stop and think:
1. Writer of the letter turns our attention on faith at a point our life and basic rights are at risk.
2. Dead end and narrow path. Are they the only visible things to you? Seekers and believers of God will see miracles in this earthly life. If not, they will enjoy happy reunion in the life to come!

Hebrews 11

* Start the day listening to this poem about eagles, and let your spirit soar high with our Lord!(On Eagles’ Wings , by Shane & Shane)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

He Gave Himself for Us! Sunday Hope_01/11/2020

Sunday Hope, Titus No Comments »

Be Sober, Righteous and Godly in Present Age! – Sunday Hope 011120 Titus 2

Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ (v13)

Character, Character, Character!
1. Older people should be sober and temperate, sensible and reverent in behaviour
2. Women should focus on family. Young people should be pure and clean at heart.

Titus 2

*In those tumultuous years, Christians in the older generation faithfully loving Jesus sang the classical Chinese hymn 十架歸路 (The Cross My Destination) . We are still waiting for the Lord’s return to wipe away our tears.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

The Heart of Our Lord! Sunday Hope_25/10/2020

Sunday Hope, Timothy 1 No Comments »

Develop Spiritual Soft Skills! – Sunday Hope 251020 I Timothy 5

But if anyone does not provide for his own… he has denied the faith…. (v.8)

Godly and healthy human relationships:
1. Respect the elderly, patiently exhort them
2. Provide for our own household
3. Support the helpless widows fully
4. Remember church elders and pastors with double honour
5. maintain good health of ourselves

* A sustainable ministry hinges on all these!

1 Timothy 5

* Letter from Pastor Peter Chan, Sweden: Thanks for your prayers. I was informed by the immigration department that my work visa would be extended to May 2022…. Despite the uncertainty posed by Covid-19, I viewed it as a mission from our Lord for my family, to be able to join hands with brothers and sisters and face up different challenges…. Church meetings are livestreamed from mid-November on alternate weeks…. Please remember us in your prayers!… I would like you to listen to this hymn Nearer, Nearer, My God to Thee / 與主更親近. It was inspired by Psalm 73:28 “But it is good for me to draw near to God. I have put my trust in the Lord God….” When we see the Lord’s arms, when we listen to the words He breathed out, when we feel His heart of mercy…. nothing can rival with such preciousness and benefits. May the Lord bless you all!

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Partakers of Suffering and Rest! Sunday Hope_18/10/2020

Sunday Hope, Thessalonians 2 No Comments »

Love Abounds Toward Each Other! – Sunday Hope 181020 II Thessalonians 1

Afflictions are inevitable till our Lord’s return:

Be Steadfast In The Truth:
1. Somehow God’s work is on everyone! Criticise less, give thanks for others more!
2. Our glorious Lord will be revealed soon! Christ will be glorified in you and me. Pray with supplications for each other!

2 Thessalonians 1

* Can we ever forget about this hymn? Surely not!
The Way of the Cross Means Sacrifice
Check out for the lyrics here.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Fear God with an Honest Heart! Sunday Hope_11/10/2020

Colossians, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Singing to Him with grace in heart! – Sunday Hope 111020 Colossians 3

… seek those things which are above…. (v1)

Holy Living in Practice!
1. In marriage – submit to your husband; love your wife
2. In family – obey your parents; don’t provoke your children
3. In workplace – respect your boss; treat your subordinate with fairness

Colossians 3

* 盡忠為主歌 (Faithful for the Lord) – A well-known song in Mandarin which has encouraged many followers of Christ going through fiery trials.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Righteous Path to a Brighter Future! Sunday Hope_04/10/2020

Ephesians, Sunday Hope No Comments »

A Glorious Church in Turbulent Times! – Sunday Hope 041020 Ephesians 6

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit…. (v18)

God’s great plan for us – Live out faith!
1. Salvation of the Church by the Holy Trinity, an eternal economy of God (Ephesians 1-3)
2. Watchful prayers in family and in workplace relationships, an outflow of God’s life (Ephesians 4-6)

Ephesians 6

* One Day – Choral ensemble in Hebrew/Arabian/English! Genius Israeli conductor Koolulam gathered 3000 people in Haifa, and with just an hour’s practice, accomplished this singing performance on the shared hope for a peaceful future!

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Don’t Pursue Vanity of Fame ! Sunday Hope_27/09/2020

Galatians, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Walk and be led by the Holy Spirit! Sunday Hope 270920 Galatians 5

For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (v14)

Having been set free, we should follow the Holy Spirit!
1. 15 works of the flesh! Do we find ourselves tainted by uncleanness, lewdness, jealousies, sorcery, hatred, outbursts of wrath and dissensions?
2. Always ask the Holy Spirit to instill in us motivation, direction, purity, perseverance, uprightness, gentleness and light!

Galatians 5

* Wonders of structures and epic heritage are unearthed at the site of Jerusalem. Go take a look at the artifacts that once appeared in the Bible Uncovering Jerusalem Underground

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Protect a Heart of Simple Purity! Sunday Hope_20/09/2020

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope No Comments »

In Weariness and Toil! Sunday Hope 200920 2 Cor 11

… in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; (v26b)

Identify the origin of suffering!
1. Has our pursuit of the Lord degenerated from purity of heart to bitterness and complaint?
2. Serving the Lord is a high-risk job. Especially perilous are attacks and frame-ups from false brethren!

2 Corinthians 11

* Corinna/陳明恩 is a cheerful performance artist. She is a missionary kid born and raised in Hong Kong after her parents moved to live here. She speaks standard Cantonese. Listen to this interview of reflections on her wonderful journey (by GoodNews Communication International Ltd.)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

A Time to Gather, A Time to Scatter! Sunday Hope_13/09/2020

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Everlasting Glory! – Sunday Hope 130920 2 Cor 4

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. (v7)

Serving God, my glory in life!
1. Earthen vessel vs the treasure – Our outward man is perishing, but our inward man is going strong day after day (4:1-15)
2. Temporary vs eternal – He who walks by faith and not by sight, being led by the Holy Spirit, will be the ultimate winner (4:16-5:10)

2 Corinthians 4

* Music master Beethoven suffered from serious intestinal disease in his later years. With deep reflection from his near death experience he composed the sublime Heiliger Dankgesang . He penned this note on the musical score “a holy song of thanksgiving of a convalescent to the Deity”. Amid the pandemic lockdown and isolation, it can be soothing to listen again to this masterpiece and offer gratitude to the God of Most High.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Convinced and Convicted by God among Us! Sunday 6/9/2020

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Be Diligent in Meeting Together! Edify Each Other! Sunday Hope 060920 1 Cor 14

… Let all things be done for edification. (v26)

God Himself and God’s Presence!
1. Key phrase “… for edification” – sacrifice oneself for building up others (v26)
2. Examine our life and church meetings. Do we bring peace to others, to the church, to society? (v33)

1 Corinthians 14 20-40

* A well-known Taiwan folksong rewritten with Cantonese lyrics and singing by Pastor Raymond CHIN/錢衞民牧師, describing a Christian desiring for a glimpse of the heavenly home, while walking on the narrow path hand in hand with the Lord:

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

The Whole House Will Be Saved – Sunday Hope_19/07/2020

Acts, Sunday Hope No Comments »

And the Prisoners were Listening to Them! – Sunday Hope 190720 Acts 16a

So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily. (v.5)

New face of Europe – key to God’s blessings (v1-37):
1. A new co-worker joining (Timothy)1. A new co-worker joining (Timothy)
2. A new calling so uplifting (Macedonia)
3. A new fruit of gospel of vitality (Philippi)
* Treasure talents, heed the heavenly calling, be bold in evangelising, to the glory of Jesus’ name!


* Despite disturbances on earth, we have harmony in heaven.
Listen to the First Baptist Dallas Choir & Orchestra – Holy, Holy, Holy

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Full of the Holy Spirit and of Faith! – Sunday Hope_12/07/2020 (Acts 11)

Acts, Sunday Hope No Comments »

He Who Promised is Faithful! – Sunday Hope 120720 Acts 11

… who was I that I could withstand God? (v.17)

Riding on the Wave of the Holy Spirit!
1. When the wave of salvation is flowing to the world and breaking all limitations, no one can stop!
2. When the gracious God is showing mercy, no hardened heart can resist!

Acts 11

* Fear Not – God will never doze nor sleep. Mandarin Song by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Regret For Not Admitting!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Undeniably Guilty!

…I am innocent of the blood of this righteous man… (v24)

Committed Sin Cannot be Evaded:

1. Can men escape sin through excuse or defence? No, it makes the sin more serious!

2. Quick to repent and sincere confession after a sin. It is never too late!

Scripture of the Day (NT)  Matt 27a

* Hymn <in Chinese>: For Your Relatives Far Away

Another year flies by. With the new year, we think of our family, brothers and sisters. Through this hymn we send our greetings. May the Lord’s love be with you always!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Fame And Fortune Will Never Be Enough!

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Reward Of The Throne!
… The cup that I drink ye shall drink… (v39)

Everlasting Life Comes Free With Faith But the Throne Comes With A Price:

1. Difficulty is inevitable in reigning with the Lord,!
2. To carry the cross and to deny the self will for sure be rewarded!

Scripture of the Day (NT):Mark 10b

Love, I Am Willing (sign language version) – take time to look at the glory of the cross

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Magnificent Galaxies, Works Of Wonder Everywhere!

Sunday Hope, Timothy 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
Gospel Is Grace And Gift To Sinners
That good thing which was committed unto thee guard through the Holy Spirit which dwelleth in us. (v14)

Finding The Treasure – Blessed Are Those Who Can Hear:

1. The Holy Spirit teaches us and also gives us the power to guard and uphold our faith.
2. Those who have experienced the goodness of the gospel will naturally treasure it

Scripture of the Day (NT):II Timothy 1

* The Ark Channel has found an ancient hymn from the Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch. While our present world is showered
in gunfire, praises of Hallelujah continues. Since the parting of the apostles, for over 2000 years, the singing never ceases.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Planting The Seed Of Hope!

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Gather the Broken, Seek The Lost!
…Be perfected…live in peace… (v11)

Two Good Deeds – Forever Caring, Ardent Teaching!

1. Touch and teach the lost ones with the amazing love of Christ!
2. Testify as a church and seek to love one another!

今日聖經: 2 Co 13

* In his ZQ HUANG/黃志强 autobiography “Legendary Years/傳奇歲月”, he recalls his reunion with mother whom he has been separated for 45 years. He used every opportunity to be the Lord’s witness to his relatives, neighbors and villagers. They were all captivated and everyone blessed. The full story can be found in CITIC published “Legendary Years” (in Chinese)


* Freely Sing Your Praise
As the Lord Jesus remembers me, He is my trust and glory. He is great and worthy of all praises.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Perfect Love!

Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope, Thessalonians 1 No Comments »
…we were well pleased to impart unto you…our own souls, because ye were become very dear to us. (v8)

Learn After Role Models In God’s Servant

1. Total Dedication – For the sake of pleasing God, preach His way despite suffering shame. Love the saints like a mother, even sacrificing one’s life. (v19)

2. Lead By Example – Work diligently or even toil so not to burden the saints.  Be holy and righteous, exhorting like a father, taking joy and glory in edifying with the saints. (v9-12/19-20)

Scripture of the Day (NT): 1 Thessalonians 2


* In the last HK Bible Conference, 1902 committed themselves to the Lord, including those doing so through live broadcast. Among them 347 dedicated themselves to be full time servants. Please pray for their equipping as the new legion for God’s great work for His kingdom!

Message revisit – Carson bible study#2 – Seize the Promise <video in English/Cantonese>

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Glory In Sight!

Everyday New Testament, Philippians, Sunday Hope No Comments »
For our citizenship is in heaven; whence also we wait for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:.(v20)

Finality Of Life

1. Son of Perdition – Some “mind earthly things “. This is their mark in life! Perdition has already started in this life. (v19)

2. Son of Glory – “citizenship is in heaven”. Even though in this life they are in a lowly body, they have an eternal hope. (v20)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Philippians 3


* Miracle? Miracle? – Seattle’s SP NG/吳小萍 wrote, God performs miracle – partially recovering her vision. She consecrates her life to God. How wonderful and marvelous are works of God!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

It Is By Grace You Have Been Saved!

Ephesians, Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope No Comments »
when ye were dead through your trespasses and sins… but God, being rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us. (v1,4)

Turning Point in Life!

1. Suffering in sin – “Children of wrath”; not only are we living under God’s wrath, we need to face God’s judgment at the end of life. (v3)

2. Joy in grace – “But God…” ; the wonder of salvation lies in the Greek word “de”, God intervenes,  initiates mercy to sinners. (v7)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Ephesians 2


* M.L.YEUNG/楊萬年  in Canada writes “Mother’s heart stopped at 2:30pm, in the midst of her children singing “Nearest of all is He, Dearest of all to me”, leaving peacefully, returning to her home above. — ML (Quebec City)”


* Somone is Praying For You/有人在為你禱告 <hymn in Chinese> and lyrics in English

When it seems you’re lonely, and your heart will break in two, remember someone is praying for you.

With lyrics in English

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

The Gospel Preached by Paul!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians, Sunday Hope No Comments »
who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us out of this present evil world… (v4)

Look At This Man, Listen To This Word

1. Paul, the person – “Apostle” is Paul’s identity, directly from God, not from men. (v1)

2. Paul’s gospel – “Christ gave himself for our sins to deliver us…” Love and ability are the essence of the gospel. (v4)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  Galatians 1


* Because you walk with me/因你與我同行  <Hymn in Chinese>

My shepherd leads me through life, leaving traces of His presence and grace everywhere along the way.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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