Confident In Winning the Crown of Righteousness?

Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope, Timothy 2 No Comments »
henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give to me at that day; … (v8a)

A Pastor Bidding Farewell When Bowing Out – His Monologue!

1. A pastor bids farewell – the moment of leaving the world (analysis) is like a boat releasing the anchor, the army departing onto the field (v6)

2. A pastor bows out at the curtain call – are genuine friendship, a worn out jacket, scrolls that keep company at the moments of loneliness (v9-13)

Scripture of the day (NT) : II Timothy 4


* “The Joy of Living is Giving” by Artist Sheren TANG/ 鄧萃雯, Video

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

The Lord Will Come Quickly – Whole Heaven & Earth Is Full Of Him!

Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope, Thessalonians 1 No Comments »
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel,and with the trump of God: …, (I Thes 4:16a)

The Second Coming of the Lord – Changing Our View on Death

1.  When death do us part  – we grieve but not losing hope, they are only asleep and will rise to new life again (v14)

2.  4 steps in a saint’s rapture – the Lord Himself descends from heaven -> the dead in Christ shall rise ->  caught up in the clouds -> forever be with the Lord (v16-17)

Scripture of the day (NT): I Thes 4


* May Thy Kingdom Come/願你國度降臨 〈詩歌〉

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Hidden Mystery, Hope of Glory!

Colossians, Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope No Comments »
…..the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:  (Colossians 1:27)

Hope Among the Gentiles – Beloved Son of God

1. delivered from the power of darkness – like a captive being set free,  delivered from the power of darkness into the kingdom of the Beloved Son (v13)

2. reconciled with God – by the death of the Beloved Son, who used to be enemy of God is now restored and brought back before God (v22)

Scripture of the day (NT): Colossians 1


* Apple Store launches “Samuel CHING Series/ 《程蒙恩書庫》 as an App on iPad and iPhone, making 21 spiritual literature available. They include “Warning on the End Times”/末世預言, 120 Promises God Makes/120個神的應許, 60 Model Prayers/禱告範例60篇, 60 Questions on Love and Marriage Among Saints/信徒戀愛婚姻60問, 118 Gospel Q&A/118 福音疑難問與答, Daily Shower/每日甘霖, BeOn The Alert Of Cult “Lightning In The East”/防範異端「東方閃電」. There are also writings on evangelism, truth seeking, teachings for new believers, discipleship etc….

Download via –

* Lessons on Experiencing Life : Overcome Anxiety and Fear of Investment Failure (Chinese text)Please click HERE

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Seal of Church of Christ – Forbear & Forgive One Another In Love!

Ephesians, Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope No Comments »
From whom the whole body fitly joined together …… maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.  (Ephesians 4:16)

A New Corporate – Seal of Those Being Called

1. Oneness – seal of the new corporate is in their peace and oneness, everyone endeavours to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (v3)

2. Forgiveness – relationship among members of the new corporate is in being tenderhearted and forgiving, as God for Christ’s sake forgiving us (v32)

Scripture of the day (NT): Ephesians 4


* Brother Bear GRYLLS, a great adventurer of our time, highly recommends Bible reading and doing the Alpha course. See his candid testimony on Bear GRYLLS Did Alpha!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Faith In His Grace, Not Things Other Than Him!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians, Sunday Hope No Comments »
So then they that are of faith are blessed with the faithful Abraham. (Galatians 3:9)

The Law Explained:  For Those Who Are Mindless of His Law

1. a big recession in salvation:  the hearing of faith, the works of the law are not sufficient to save you (v2-3)

2. the 430 covenant of “Only Trust Him”: 430 years went by like on wings, yet God’s will remains the same and unchanging (v17)

Scripture of the day (NT): Galatians 3


* Letter from UK – I am now in Lancaster! Everything is so peaceful here. Praise the Lord who makes all people all around the world preach His love to people all around the world! — 曉彤 (Cally) in Lancaster


* When Faced with Peace vs Danger & Conflicts in Life, Pastor YN LAM/ 林以諾牧師

Video: Please click HERE

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Bright New World!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
“But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ … a man will … be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’… what God has joined together, let man not separate.” (v6-9)

Key to Happy Marriage! — Jesus Concludes Thus:

1. one male, one female (v6) – one sex be united to the opposite sex

2. one man, one wife (v8) – no extra room for a third person in marriage

3. one life, one unity (v9) – love can stand the test of time – by a heart that loves, that serves

Scripture of the day: Mark 10:1-27
Indepth commentary: Mark 10


Footprints of Saints -
* Thanks so much for sharing wonderful miracle with us. Our Lord is so faithful & true! Sure, we’ll join in the spiritual battle. — Shirley TSE, (Norfolk, East Coast, US)

* my wife Jessie has Bible reading with 2 new Christians. They are from Mainland, working as waitresses. Yesterday, they brought along a young lady to Bible reading too. She repented & accepted Jesus as her Saviour. Pls pray for her faith ! — In Him, John (HK)

* Sister WONG Wai Ching (???HK) was received in the rest of the Lord. She is now in a new stage of life, serving Him in eternity. Following her will, her organ are donated to patients in need, bearing the love of God on earth!

* Copyright ArkChannel and the authors *

Life So Beautiful

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. … (Mark 6:34)

Count on Him by Faith! — He Makes Our Life a Splendor!

1. He is our Provider — A great shepherd who tends us with great compassion! (v30-44)

2. He is our Protector – A great companion who delivers us from danger! (v45-52)

Scripture of the day: Mark 6:30-56
Indepth commentary: Mark 6


* Riding the waves of life – Surgery on Evangelist Dixon IP ??? was a success yesterday, preliminary lab result on tumor: not a threat. He testifies “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil”, he is weak but sees His glory. Bro. IP thanks all saints from all lands for their kind regards, encouragements & prayers!

* Sister LAW Nai Huen ???, experienced educator/counsellor speaks on “Woman Torn Between Work and Family” (Must-Watch for wives, Cantonese)

* Copyright ArkChannel and the authors *

Add Strength to the Wearied!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
….But he had Jesus flogged, and handed Him over to be crucified. (v26b)

Being wrongly accused? Learn how our Kingly Savior copes! (v1-44)

1. The Way of Suffering – obey the Lord – be it bitter, be it blessed!

2. The Way to Glory – follow the Cross: not to detour, not to depart – His Will be our way!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 27:1-31
Indepth commentary: Matthew 27


* Priscilla FONG (HK), a successful business executive, was always busy working for her own. For 6 years, she was not able to bring friends to Jesus. One day a busy mother told Priscilla how she brought 10 + friends to salvation in a year. Priscilla repented & resumed fervent service. Update: she has successfully led 100 friends to receive Jesus as Saviour! (See DVD “From 1-100″, China Alliance Press)

* Copyright ArkChannel and the authors *

Sincerely Yours!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world …(v14a)

Prophecy of Wonder – through Tribulation, but not caught in the Tribulation (Matt 24-25)

1. Our Passage & Destination in this world! (24:4-14)

2. Great Tribulation & End of the Age! (24:15-26)

3. The King’s Second Coming in Glory (24:27-30)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 24:1-28
Indepth commentary: Matthew 24


* Kelvin’s brother, despite unpleasant experience in a gospel meeting 2 years ago, found great joy & salvation last Sunday. He asked Kelvin to lead him to church – because he was touched by the great care & kindness of his medical doctor. He desires to obtain the Lord, like that of his doctor’s – to know the Lord of life & love joyfully!

* Copyright ArkChannel and the authors *

Welcome Sunshine — Sunday Hope

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus. (Matt 17:8)

In this Chaotic World — See, Listen & Follow Only Him:

1. The Glorious King (v.1-13)

2. The Powerful King (v.14-21)

3. The Humble King (v.22-27)

* New Life New Hope Crusade – last 2 sessions today. Pray for harvest in HK!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 17:1-13
Indepth commentary: Matthew 17


* Bro. Paul MA (???, US) aged 81, scholar dedicated in Bible study in Greek, & Bro. Timothy TSOI (???, Canada) has left for Thailand & India to conduct Bible Courses. This visit is of great significance. Pls pray for churches in Thailand & India.

* Scientist Freeman J. DYSON – on ” Science & Religion “ — As a Christian, he said “I am neither a saint nor a theologian. To me, good works are more important than theology…. Science & religion are two windows that people look through, trying to understand thebig universe outside, trying to understand why we are here. The two windows give different views, but they look out at the same universe. Both views are one-sided, neither is complete. Both leave out essential features of the real world. And both are worthy of respect.”

* Copyright ArkChannel and the authors *

SSunday Hope – A Call to Endure!

Sunday Hope Comments Off

if we are faithless, he will remain faithful (v.13)

What strengthen us to endure in hardship?

1. Divine Power Gods grace will be with those with determination (v.1)
2. Spritual Heritage We are among numeroous saints & sojourneyes (v.2)
3. Decision by Calling — no pain no gain , let’s suffer for Christ ! (v.3-6)
4. Best Choice After deep thoughts & careful calculation , we still give ourselves to HIS Kingdom (v.7)
*Last week 31 saints from HK church went to mountain areas in China for mission trip. They crossed mountains to visit elders homes & schools, brought about 30 minority villagers to Christ. A wife from the village leader has believed in Jesus for 10 years, bringing half of the villagers to Christ ,but her husband yet unsaved. Bro Frankie , filled by the Spirit, told him that husband & wife should be like a pair of cows plowing in field they must have the same yoke . Frankie sang a hymn aloud to him, & he couldnt stand & prayed with Frankie the whole family was saved!

His Will !

Roman, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
the law of the Spirit of life set me free (v.2)

Suffering now, Glory in future!
1. Christs work (Rom 5-7) 1/save us from Adams nature (under Gods wrath) (Rom 5); 2/free us from sin, that we can live to God & be slaves of righteousness (Rom 6) ; 3/ free us from laws, that we may turn to Christ (Rom 7)
2. Spirits work (Rom 8 ) free us from sinful nature, give us the Spirit of life & the glorious hope.

?A child kept on stealing comic books. His father being a pastor , was very angry & sad, yet the boy kept on doing this even after punishments. Finally his father couldnt bear it and beaten him up in tears, the boy stopped stealing since then. when the boy grew up , he told his mother that it wasnt the beating , but rather , the love shown in his fathers tears that made him stopped sinning!

Sunday Hope

Acts, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
For I am with you<18:10>

Marriage, family, migration all for Jesus and the brothers:
1. Service of Aquila and Priscilla they opened up their home for fellowship of saints, they were as precious as the great apostles. When Paul arrived Corinth alone, he received help from their family which enabled him to preach for one & a half year (v.111)
2. Moving to Ephesus there they equipped another apostle Apollos. They invited him to their home again & taught him about Gods words! (v.2426)
Is your family & home ready for Christ & saints?

?HK – Yesterday 58 baptized in Hk . A daughter encountered God before her mother’s operation . A woman worshipped idols for years, but attracted by Jesus when seeing a bad tempered relative turned gentle after believing. An aimless lady learnt to love after reading the Bible. A mother sent her son to Christian kindergarten -20 years ago ! She finally believed in Jesus in gospel meeting. (About 100 is going to be baptized today, back themup with prayer !)
?My grandpa , born in late Qing dynasty, is 104 now. Today he’ll be baptized in elderly home at 2:00 pm, pls pray for him! – Sam Kong / HK


Acts, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
suddenly there shone round about him a light out of heaven <9:3>

Heavenly Vision — Christ & the Church :
1. Christ Speaking ?v.118? our Lord can turn a die-hard protestor into a loyal servant!
2. Speaking for Chrsit ?v.1931?— Some serves God shortly, yet with lasting impact. Stephen’s work was carried on by Saul — proving Jesus is the Messiah.
Nowadays heresies are common, e.g. the New Age Movement, Lightning from the East, da Vinci Codelets seek & defense the truth !

?Pat Gelsinger, the vice president of Intel once said — I firmly believed in Christ & nothing can shake my faith. I believe that Christianity is the only truth in the world , the only way which leads us back to heaven (Acts 4:12). For 20 years he gave every project & meeting he took part in his company — into the hands of God. He suggested us to do the same when facing problems in our jobs!

God is our Shield!

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Father, save me from this hour…

The way to Glory :
1. a kernel of wheat produces many seeds (v.24) — death at work in Jesus ,life at work in us!
2. Father honours those who serve wholeheartedly (v.26) — where His will leads , we follow! Suffering with the Lord, Receiving honour with Him & united with Him!

* In the mid-20th century, life unstable in China. A university student once reading Psalm 84 ,he was touched by the Holy Spirit . In the following 55 years, he spent entire life to serve God. He went through wars, jail, sickness ,but his spiritual fruits globally. Before he passed away, he testified that once he was weak , God encouraged him — “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:17) He is Rev. Stephen Chiu.??? Let’s check out what Psalm 84 is about!

Be at Rest ?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
The night is coming, when no one can work? <9:4>

Knowing the precious Lord:
1. The blind can see (Jn 9:25) The miracle of opening a blinds eyes had never happened in the Old Testament. Only the Messiah has the power to open the blinds eyes. The Lord is the one!
2. Worship Jesus (Jn 9:3738) many things are more valuable then diamond: freedom, righteousness, truth, friendship, family love, romantic love, and the most precious of them, eternal life Gods life. Jesus met the blind again to reveal the Son of God to him, so that he can gain the most precious.

?3 Cs for this life last week 68 youths in my church?HK F.5/F.7, many grew up in church since childhood ?offered their life to God in tears! Michael, a football fan, witnessed that he is willing to live for 3 things only: Christ, Church, Cross. Pls pray Lord, take their all — time, studies, future, love, career, family
for your purpose only!)

Fear Not

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… and filled twelve hand – baskets full<6:13>

Spiritual food keeps us alive:
1. The eternal food is the Christ coming down from the above (v11, 14, 27, 29, 33, 48, 51, 58)
2. The eternal satisfaction is based on accepting the Lord & enjoying the Spiritual food (God’s words), united with the Lord! (v.35, 56)

* Ark Channel introduced a book— “Training Kids Biblically” , which attracts attention of many Chinese saints. Bro Lau the author, introduces another book–” Kids who have too much ” May the Lord bless our next generation as good vessel!

Love Endures?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Lk 22:32 )

Strengthen your brothers:
1. Preparation of love?v.1-20? the Lord prepared great feast for us. Taking the bitter cup Himself, He left the feast of love for us!
2. Advice in love?v.21-38? Christ grants us a chance to repent, hoping that we may “strengthen your brothers”!
3. Sacrifice for love?v.39-53? Our holy Lord bore our sins, even unto death!
4. Trial of love?v.54-52 ? Keep our faith ; don’t lost our mission when we are weak!

?a story from “China Vision”. A wife suffered from heart disease while her husband seriously ill.They met an old lady aged 80+ who told them ” Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved you and your household.” ?Acts 16:31?. The old lady further believed that God will heal them physically, which came true later. From that time a church was started in their home. In 93′ some gangsters tried to harm their son in the market, the son was spared from a fatal hit as he was somehow pushed down by an invisible hand. His life saved by Jesus!

Lord in me !

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
My house is a house of prayer<19:46>

Den of thieves or Temple of God?
1. The Lord needs it?v.2835?Life is short – Are we ready for Christ ‘s use?
2. Welcome Jesus?v.3648?If we are to enjoy the peace & healing of the Lord, let Him cleanse our hearts first!
Lord, we pray that in this life we can be a temple of prayer, with not a single prayer goes in vain!

?Because He lives The famous writer Nicholas Sparks has 5 children. He goes to church every week. With his deep faith in the heavenly love he writes about the trueness and love in the world. He once said that a good book has 2 characteristics— it touches a certain part deep in peoples heart, ansd that its ending worth pondering once and again. (and the life of every saint in the Spirits hands should be like this!)

Grace is sufficient!

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that is faithful in the least is faithful also in much <16:10>

On the other end of time when money become useless:
1. After mens death souls have feelings, memories & emotions (v.23-28)
2. Eternal separation whether one believe in Gods words when alive Christand his resurrection determine his fate in eternity!

?Nowadays the sexual corruption of youngsters become a problem worldwide. Josh McDowell, who has become famous by his book Evidence That Demands a Verdict, published another book Why True Love Waits in 87. It awakened youths in 85 countries to treasure the nobleness & blessing of chastity. Being sincere & caring, the writer provide extensive reasons & numerous statistical data to make his point very clear: pre-marital sex brings heavy cost to the society & bitterness to individuals & marriage! How to keep ourselves pure ? How to help our children?The answers found in this book

Grace Sufficient?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
keep yourselves from all covetousness, for it is not because a man is in abundance that his life is in his possessions. <12:15>

Grasp hold of today be with one mind with Lord:
1. No greedy?v.1321? Being rich in world yet poor before God what a lost !
2. No worry?v.2232??worry = pulled apart?Our Father knows everything! Trust Him , or else you will be consumed by worry.
3. No hardened hearts?v.3359? Wait for Him, giving food to the needy at proper time this is the purpose of our life!

?Dead Sea (Sea of Arabah in Bible) will dry up in 50 years. Israel & Jordan came to agreement in May 05 to build aChannel of Peace costing HK$6.2 billion ,to canal water from Red Sea into Dead Sea. Bible prophecy to be fulfilled! (may check Ezekiel 47 :8-10)
?O. F. Chan??? who baptised in hospital before death .Her funeral on 22/4. Pls pray for her whole family come to Jesus !For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning!

Let go, let God

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
I am not come to call righteous persons, but sinful ones to repentance.

Go to the Father :
1. From God, for God and to God — Success might be the beginning of failure — Jesus does not focus on results & development, but fellowship with Abba father .
2. Withdraws for prayers can maintain the holiness of your serving — if we neglect listening to God, your holy serving will be defiled to human work.

* Tse family from US — Thanks to the mercy of God, the operation of Shirley’s sister, Candy, was done on 4 Apr in HK. It was diagnosed as cancer by three specialists, but it was found a cyst what a miracle! It’s all the work of God as well as prayers from you all . The story would not be totally different without your prayers! Blessed be those who shared the burden with us in Christ. Glory to Him! — Shirley and Edward, fr US
* During Easter holiday, church in HK had two conference –Jesus Christ and him crucified. 2000+ saints committed themselves to God. After that 280 working saints committed to walk on the way of the Lord. Pls pray for the revival of HK !

Sunday Hope

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
And Jesus said, I am! <14:62>

Cause I know whom I have believed:
1. Eternal work Jesus said, this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many <14:24> Only this work of salvation can last forever. Lord, thanks for your sacrificing love!
2. Immortal figure Jesus said, I am <14:62> the world and men are ever changing, only Christ can stand forevsr , He is always reliable!

?Bro K. Y. Tsang??? moved to NZ from HK, settled in Hamilton in the north island. Recently he is back to HK to share gospel with his relatives. good news –On the Saturday before we leave for NZ both of my parents accepted the Lord. Its so good! On that morning, seeing that Im going to leave soon, I had an in-depth talk with each of them. Miraculously my father prayed with me, confessed his sins and accepted Lord. After this is my mother, she wanted Jesus also! They even agreed to let me cleanse all the idols few days ago my father-in-law believed alsothanks for your prayers! Lords blessing be with you. Kin Yip?Bro Tsang is church elder in Hamilton , NZ?

Sunday Hope

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in the heavens forgive your offences. <11:26>

Laments of the fig tree Repent!?v.1214?:
1. The Lords hunger we should be available whenever He has a need!
2. The Lords curse better watch out- see if we have led a fruitful life before God!

?Bro Ma has been away from God for years – until recent months .I asked him how he was awoken in spirit. He told me in 2 business trips – God saved him from serious accidents one after another . Deep in his heart the Lord called him to repent. On the day of 911 in US., he arrived in Seattle. While the world was shocked, again the Spirit called him to return!

In Him is Life!

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him? <4:41>

Who is God’s servant? 3 things to remember :
1. Listen clearly?v.1325? God will speak to our hearts, listen!
2. Let God work?v.2629? Sow with all your might, then sleep & wait for harvest!
3. Be tested?v.3541? Take His word , have faith in His power!

?The boss, Mrs. Siu, of 2 restaurants is an interesting Christian. She met some mentally handicapped some years ago , & was moved by the Lord to do something . Despite all hardship, she started a restaurant in district of famous schools, providing job opportunities for handicapped. with God’s love, trained them, letting them work & live with dignity. She also brought them to church, dine with them after meeting, reviewing their work and teaching them the Bible. Finally she saw improvement in character of her workers. Now she owned 2 restaurants which can serve 200 customers in each afternoon. Love is in action & deed !
?Recently a documentary film cast by famous director attacking the resurrection of Jesus, shaking the faith of many. Expertsresponses click


Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
but He shall baptise you with the Holy Spirit <1:8>

Press towards the goal & complete the mission:
1. Jesus life only for completing Gods mission to serve & lay down His life for redemption of many (Mk 10:45)
2. Jesus call march forward without returning, no delay, no holding back! (Mk 1:17-20)

?Urgent call to Jesus the aunt of the couple C. P. Chan ??? & Y.M. Chong ?? was critically ill. On 18/2 they asked saints to pray for her, that she awake to hear gospel.Bro Chan got a promisefrom God : Now is the good time; now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor 6:2), but his aunt was worse than before. At last the aunts husband came to meeting, received Jesus as Saviour on 20/2, and thier aunt awoke in hospital!
?Saving the impossible? Sing Tao Daily reported the story of a fiery youth Ken. He got addicted to marijuana at 15 , assaulted a policeman at 20. He suffered from depression, got addicted further in several drugs, and once committed suicide by taking more than 100 pills a time!he heard the gospel in hospital. After this he quitted drug addiction. Now he got a proper job and was renewed by Jesus !
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