Great blessings !

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.

Three things to happen – when our King returns:
1. To Distinguish the good from bad and wise from foolish?v.1…13?
2. To assess our investments throughout our lives?v.14…30?
3. To Reward our good deeds on others?v31…46?

?church in HK to have crusade – 4 meetings . saints from 10 districts bring freinds to Jesus . Pls pray for this idol-filled HK !
?C. P. Chan??? & Y. M. Chong??? in HK phoned me – requested for prayers. Yee Man’s aunt Ai Fong?? was in serious sickness., situation critical after surgery. The couple are anxious about her salvation & hope to lead her to eternal life ASAP!

Don’t be ashamed of the gospel!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Pay then what is Caesar’s to Caesar, and what is God’s to God. <22:21>

Holistic faith — Lord’s response on 4 questions:
1. On politics?v.15…22?- we have God’s images, should be absolutely possessed by God!
2. On truth?v.23…33?… Don’t make a guess on future, the Bible is sure answer
3. On ethics?v.34…40?… To love God & man with all our hearts, is this our attitudes of life?
4. On relationship?v.41…46?…our attitude towards Jesus is a matter of life or death!
Have you built up eternal relations with the Lord?

?The evangelizing revival of Moravian Brethrens in Europe swept the whole world. Historians found 4 characteristics from them – Action-oriented, deep love toward Christ, brave & persistent” Zinzendorf once said, I’ve a passion for Christ , and only for Christ only. In their contionous missionary journey to Guiana , 75 out of 160 missionaries died of epidemic; 2,158 saints were sent by them to every corner of the world- within 150 years. These were the footprints of our spiritual fathers. Ar we following their footsteps, winning souls in our cities in this Lunar New Year?

I will praise, I will wait?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
should not you also have had compassion on your fellow – bondman, as I also had compassion on you? <18:33>

Seek the lost brothers, and bring Lord’s presence:
1. Win a lost brother ?v.5…18?21…35?
2. Then win a partner of prayer! ?v.19…20 ?

?I’m reading the bibliography of Condoleeza Rice, US Secretary of State. Herdream was to become a pianist , but turned out a politician. Since Rice was small she loved Jesus, but cooled down when grown up & got involved in busy work, even stopped church life. However when her mother was in serious sickness , God showed grace and let her lived 10+ years -until Rice reached her 30. Witnessing the death of her mother, Rice nearly collapsed .The Lord comforted her From then her spirit revived with hope, & she resumed church meetings whenever she has time. (You won’t be busier than Rice !)

Bury your dream and walk with Him

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…seeing dumb speaking, crippled sound, lame walking, and blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel. <15:31>

Great Work of our Lord:
1. Proclaiming the truth – Lord proclaimed the truth to the stubborn Jews?v.1…20?
2. Showing mercy – Jesus showed His endless mercy to the suffering Gentiles! (v.21-39)

? A couple of Li’s family ,moved to Thailand for 4 years to share the love of Christ after their marriage. The wife ,Sister Han ??, born in Beijing & brought up in Xian. She moved to HK at her 17, due to language barriers she grew depressed. In 89’ she met Jesus in Chinese University of HK; her young heart was deeply touched . In 91′ she determined to go aboard for the Lord’s gospel. When they entered Thailand they were stopped in the customs inspection, hinted to pay unreasonable money of their piano & computer, (without receipt!) What to do ? (To be continued.)

Your Wants, His Care?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
blessed is whosoever shall not be offended in me. <11:6>

Arena of life – stepping up or down;
1. Sometimes God fulfills our wishes?v.7…14?… In the climax of life ,John the Baptist’s only task was to direct people to Christ. If God places you in centre of stage, it is only for glorifying His name!
2. Sometimes God rejects our prayer?v.15…19?… Mision fullfilled , you should leave the stage. John martyred with no regrets! Don’t be disappointed with Him when your wishes don’t come true!

? I met a youth Ringo – just baptized . Once he helped repair the computers for a company, the boss put gospel pamphlets beside him ,later gave him invitation leaflets of gospel meeting. He had rejected Christ for a long time , but this time he came in a rainy day.however he went a wrong way . A brother went to seek him in rain. Found! He received Christ on that day , then attended the whole course for new believers –baptized yesterday!

Heal me !

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Lord, you can make me clean !(v. 2)

Our King – 3 Kinds of power — He is willing & able:
1. On our bodies – He has the power to heal (v.1-7)
2. Over nature – He has the power to govern (v.23-27)
3. To the spirits – He has the power to conquer (v. 28-34)

* fr Timothy Ng (HK) – A patient in Haven of Hope Hospital (HK) , W. H. Sze??? accepted the Lord just before his death, though he hadn’t been to any churches and he didn’t know any saints! But when he was dying ,16 of his relatives & friends believed in Jesus under the effort of the hospital pastor! His funeral organized by hospital; the pastor hopes some saints to come & strengthen the 16 new believers! None of us know him, but sincerely asked you all to pray for this family. If you are in HK, may go to funeral service : 15/1 (Mon) 7:30 pm 3/F C Fook Chik Hall, Pofookhill, Tai Wai (inquiry: Timothy-

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”?Mt 25:40?

Learning to Trust!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Pioneering journey of our King – preaching, teaching, healing & training:
1. Overcome the enemy in private; serve in public (v.12-16)–overcoming the invisible enemy before conquering the visible lands
2. Bind the enemy & plunder his wealth (v.17-25)–gain men before lands; we can be fishers of men if we submit ourselves under God’s authority.

* Frank Morison, a famous lawyer, didn’t believe in Jesus . He employed legal research method to reorganize the historic sources, aiming to overturn the belief of resurrection of Jesus, uncover the blind faith. But after careful research he wrote a book which made a hit to the academic circle–“Who Moved the Stone?”, and he himself believed in Jesus! (Even I myself had my faith strengthened when I was a new believer -after reading this book, thanks you, brother Frank!)

See Him Face to Face

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
I am … the beginning and the end. <22:13>

Eternal blessing…seeing God’s face in new Jerusalem?v.3…5?:
1. No more curse or night — Only God with us
2. Serve Him forever — and see His face always!
3. With God’s name on our forehead — we belong to Him forever
4. Reign till forever — God lives and abides with us
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him!

?He deserves our very best?nothing more, nothing less, nothing else??Charles R.Swindoll?
?Bro W. K. Tong ??? in HK has completed his race, fought his good fight, and was taken by the Lord peacefully at 7:15pm yesterday. Pls pray for his family.?He praised the Lord on his bed when I visited him for the last time, and I am sure he is still praising – now! ?

My King coming soon

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
And they sing the song of Moses bondman of God, and the song of the Lamb…

Grace abundant – singing new hymn:
1. In heaven those overcame from disasters are singing: <15:3…4> “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the ages (nations). Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
2. In heaven, the Temple filled with God’s glory and power is opened …<15:6…8> “Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues…one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God…And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed”

?Find a lonely friend today and tell him “Jesus loves you!”

Turning Point

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…there was silence in the heaven about half an hour. <8:1>

One day God will no longer hold back …
1. Don’t underestimate the saints’ prayers ?Rev 8:1…6?… for they can come straight to the headquarter of the universe – God’s throne!
2. Effects of prayers for generations – it triggers His judgments?Rev 8: 7…13?… Supernatural disasters will come one after another, go shrre the gospel , quick!

? Scholar C. M. Yuen??? had a dramatic life. After surviving from liver cancer and becoming a Christian, he inspired thousands of Chinese and intellectuals throughout the world to turn to God. For his testimony click
*?He’s going to hold a gospel meeting on 24/12, HK. pray & invite friends?– Mandarin – Inquiry: 27858382

Time is Near

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy (v.3)

Fate of Future World —– the revelations divine:
1. Christ – after ascension, He executed the great work concerning whole universe (Ch.1)
2. The Church – her ups and downs on earth in human history (Ch. 2, 3)
3. The World – approaching its end in its creator’s hands (Ch. 4-22)

# A Chinese scholar wrote a book“Travelers’ Chants” which conglomerates philosophies of life, faith, science & history. Chinese intellectuals should find this book interesting & inspiring. Click simplified Chinese version

Thankful, Joyful, Hopeful?

John 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… but he that does the will of God abides for eternity. <2:17>

Light from darkness, light of life?2:8??
1. Darkness is passing … We can only wait in the transition from darkness to light. Don’t be disappointed!
2. True light is shining … Like the drops of sunray infiltrating the dark sky, the power of gospel is now surging in our inner world!

?Sister Helen Yeung who met Jesus in HK and has moved to NY later , gave birth to her second daughter Kayla in Thanksgiving . May the Lord keep her & make great use of her family in NY!
?Bro K. W. Tong’s ??? wife in HK has an operation yesterday, may the Lord remember her recovery.

Seek Peace ?

Peter 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…to give an account of the hope that is in you…<3:15>

Like gold tested by fire – glorify God in 3 aspects:
1. Magnify the Lord in marriage life?v.1…7?
2. Show God’s holiness in church life?v.8…12?
3. Rely on Lord in hard life?v.13…18?

?5 gospel meetings will be held today by the church in HK. Pls pray for this!
?In a banquet I sat beside Uncle Po (Lam Po??), who was sentenced to death twice. Cheated by his business partner, his friend helped him to hire killer. Uncle Po was charged as the chief instigator . He was out of control and killed again in the jail. Sent to psychiatric hospital he found no way out, but just when he tried to kill himself, he found an old Bible. From that time he was enlightened. At his 58 he was freed and he preached with gospel calligraphy and painting. Jesus healed him & using him in a great way!

Pure Joy?

James, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…with Whom is no variation nor shadow of turning. <1:17>

Grow in trials, mature in godliness:
1. Since God has good and perfect gift!?v.17?
2. Since God does not change & is living in us! ?v.18?

?God will make a way — I’m reading “God Will Make a Way” by Cloud ?Townsend. This book summarizes 8 secrets in walking with God, teaching saints how to pass through 12 areas throughout the course of life. Worth reading – especially for those disorientated.

No more Tears?

Hebrews, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…shall appear to those that look for Him the second time without sin for salvation. <9:28>

3 better things – life-long blessing:
1. Better sanctuary?v.1…11? … Christ is serving in it up the heaven. He is working for us!
2. Better service ?v.12…15? … Our Lord can cleanse us & make us eligible to serve God.Come to him bravely , let Him work on you!
3. Better sacrifice?v.16…28?… Christ is the unblemished Lamb, His blood works forever. Only trust Him Him!

?How to love?…Planning for marriage? Finding your better half? Or thinking of being single? One reason of family problems nowadays is the lack of Biblical teachings before marriage. 3 messges in HK church, listen to the first sermon: On marriage – a biblical view – click (cantonese)

Merciful ?Faithful?

Hebrews, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…He is able to help those that are being tempted.

Come ! Seek help from our Captain of Salvation:
1. He is mindful of you!?v.6a?
2. He cares for you!?v.6b?
3. He succors us. ( that is -He rushes for us when he listens our cry for help!) ?v.18?

Make Wise?

Sunday Hope, Timothy 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
Every scripture is … profitable… <3:16>

Bible Sure Win —- Keeping You Ever fit!
1.“Pollution” in last hours — men’s hearts are corrupted, ignorant & hypocritical! (v.1-11)
2. Health care — The bible makes us perfect & furnished, keeping you best shape! (v.12-17)

?I’m reading the a bibliography of John Wanamaker –the department store giant. He founded the Bethany Sunday school — the biggest one in the world, blessed thousands of lives. He loved God and men sincerely — he can remember at least 4,000 children’s names as well as their parents’ – names and occupations. He said he hadn’t got a good memory, but just because he cared everyone of them!

Good ? Acceptable?

Sunday Hope, Timothy 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
who gave himself a ransom for all…<2:6>

2 missions in God’s plan:
1. To pray ?v.1…6a?
2. To preach ?v.6b…7?

?A Word from Ark Channel— Dear brothers & sisters, Ark Channel has been in service for 3 years & 10 months. Reading it & walking with us everyday, you are one among 1,300 friends in our prayer web. Everyday I checked the email list, I recall every face & stories of you all, I am always touched. Being scattered around the world, I missed you all, and the Father’s love is always poured into my heart. Seeing you all blessed is my joy & crown. I sincerely request yr unceasing prayer for the many saints me that read & pray together each day among the Ark. May our Lord’s glorious appearance fill our hearts ever more ! — yokefellow, Sam Kong , fr HK

Always Good?

Sunday Hope, Thessalonians 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
… we live if you stand firm in the Lord. <3:8>

Our affection towards the saints:
1. Brotherly Love & Friendship ?2:17…20?
2. Love them with a pastor’s heart ?3:1…13?

?Yesterday I have a wonderful fellowhip with Bro YC Fung living in Reutlingen of Germany. I visited his home more than a decade ago when I was in Germany. Not seeing him for so many years, he had much experienced. He went through the whole Europe and had made a good fortune. But he had once given up his faith and indulged in gambling. His family left the church, leading a life of sorrow. Now he was revived & repented , and his family returned to the church in Reutlingen. He said, “In the western world, if we do not take His Word daily , I can’t imagine how messy our life will become!”

Seek Fruit?

Philippians, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
But I have all things in full supply and abound …

Lead a life of joy and gladness —- 4 secrets:
1. Surpassing church conflicts?v.1…3?…On every occasions remain in Christ, be strong & with the same mind. Our names are in the SAME book of life !
2. Surpassing worries of living?v.4…9? …Tell God our needs in joy & gentleness – rely on His peace.
3. Surpassing changes in life?v.10…20?…Be generous, contented !
4. Surpassing earthly boundaries?v.21…23?…Have a broad view & horizon -to hope that God’s grace can supply foreign churches through us!

?From Phoebe??? in church of Hamilton, New Zealand…”Life is busy in New Zealand also. God is doing great work here, we are now being trained by Him. The greatness of Lord’s work is not perceivable . My husband Kin Yin?? and my son Gabriel served in one mind with me. But we still need your prayers so that we can walk on the way God pleases!”?K.Y. Tsang and Phoebe are healed by the Lord and brought to Hamilton by Him. They were zealous in faith and had brought many to Christ. Pls pray for this wonderful family!?

Riches Unsearchable ?

Ephesians, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…according to the power which works in us<3:20>

Life Management — strengthen your inner man?v.16??
1. Pay attention on our innermost — What do our hearts care about?
2. Strengthen our inner man — The Spirit that lives in us is our linkage to eternity!

?Ark Channel had recently reported about the old brother CM Cho??? who believed in Jesus in serious sickness. After he was baptized in hospital , he can be discharged fr hospital miraculously, even attend church gatherings with his wife! All thhings possible for them who believe!

Living Temple?

Galatians, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…that I may live to God. <2:19>

3 characteristics of true apostles — example of God’s servant:
1. Humble and gentle?v.1…2? … Do we obey God’s revelation? Do we respect church leaders ?
2. Not compromising?v.3…5?… Are we ever watching over God’s household ?
3. Faithful?v.6…10?… Don’t judge by outer appearance, but be filled with Spirit , live by God’s grace!

?Sister Lai ??? in HK newly believed in Christ at her age of 89. She had worshipped idols since she was small, had followed 5 ” masters” …Last Sat. she cleared all idols in her home. She didn’t sleep well before, but now sleep well . Praise the Lord! Pls pray for salvation of her 5 children and grandchildren.

Joy Abundant ?

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ…being rich, became poor… that you by His poverty might be enriched.

He died for Us, We Give Him All ::
1. Our Christ – full of grace?v.9?… He became poor so that we can be rich !
2. Our saints – grace upon grace ( v.2?… Be simple & pure – giving all to the Lord.
A gracious giver will be beautiful, strong, contented & happy – what a victorious life!

?Ark Channel has requested prayers for a godly couple John & Jessie in HK — their BB Philip has fever for 3 months, This week he recovered at last! Glory to God, thanks for yr prayers !

In Him always YES ?

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Now He that establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, is God <1:21>

No Exit?See you at Exit G!
1. Great hardship: despaired even of life?v.3…11?– Hardship is urging us to find the Exit G — God is there – only God can save!
2. Way out: pray for one another?v.11…24?– God is faithful. He can strengthen and anoint us!

?Last Tuesday my best friend Partrick learnt that his colleague fell sick suddenly. He wanted to ask saints to pray for the colleague. But just when he picked up the phone, he received sad news that the patient passed away. In grief he reminded us yesterday- to treasure our days & work in this life. Our chances to serve & work is limited., do our best & win souls with all our might!

The Only Ruler?

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… But God has tempered the body together… <12:24>

Don’t over-emphasize of gifts — grace most needed in God’s household:
1. spiritual gifts — Leaders of multiple gifts might still be spiritual babies . When they act in flesh they can bring forth splitting of churches & even sins?1 Cor Ch.1…11?
2. spiritual grace— All talents & spiritual experience are only for the glory of God, to serve others and build the church! ?1 Cor Ch.12…14?

?Sam Kong reports — God’s love overflows — Our church 10 gospel meetings in summer just finished. 449 new friends came – total while 212 of them believed in Jesus. O Praise the Lord, glory be to Him!

One Spirit?

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
for you have been bought with a price…<6:20>

3 mysteries — Saints, Temple and Spirit:
1. Saints?v.15? …Christ in heaven is taking actions on earth through us – His body!
2. Temple?v.19? …Our bodies is holy Temple! Treasure it as the Creator of heaven & earth dwelling in it!
3. Spirit ?v.17? …We are united with Lord! And our spirit even becomes one with the Lord’s Spirit!

*In 1962 So Cho Yeung ??? visited a company chairman in Europe. The chairman, then living on a wheelchair, led a life of tears in grief. So sang the hymn “A Bruised Reed” for him. On the fourth times the chairman smiled & said, “I am the bruised reed , the feebly burning light, but Jesus love me till the end. I must not be despair from now on.” From that day he sang it everyday. When people visited him he sang it to them , invited them to sing together – until the day he returned to the Lord. ( Cantonese/ Mandarin )
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