God of Peace!

Roman, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you should abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. <15:13>

Who can be used by God? —- 5 characteristics:
1. All by God’s grace (v.14-15)
2. Be a servant and priest (v.16)
3. Boast on God’s glory only (v.17)
4. Work by the Spirit (v.18-19)
5. Obey God’s arrangement only (v.20-24)

?Prayer request — Pls pray for John & Jessie, couple from HK who love & serve Jesus faithfully. Their baby Philip , 10 months , hurts his leg recently. Now he has gotten a fever for 2 months already, also found 6 lymph sarcomas. Doctor can’t find out reason. Pray for him & this family – to continue serving the kingdom !


HK Bible Conference, Roman, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… but the Spirit itself makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered. <8:26>

Surpassing the sufferings and into glory?Rom 8:18-39??
1. 5 kinds of sufferings — we always suffering from -perishing of the body, helpless in weaknesses, oppressions on earth, accusations by the enemy, facing judgments in shame & frustration.
2. 3 helps to overcome — But the Spirit is praying for you, Christ is taking our part, God’s love is with us forever!

?2 nights before we have a farewell for the 3 speakers of this year’s HK Bible Conference. Abstract of messages – click?28 sermons in 10 days , 110,000 man-time is recorded in total. 1,200 + saints offered themselves to serve the Lord, some considered full-time serving. Pls pray for their spiritual progress!?

Before God ? Man?

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
So I strive always to keep my conscience clear …

Something is going to happen – How can your faith be careless?
1. Curiosity but no heart?v.22…27?– Are we only hearing the Words but not practising?
2. Hope of resurrection?v.15…21?– to share the gospel is something related to eternal life or death.
How can we help to be silent?

?”(The Word) can build you up, give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”…”HK Bible Conference” is a spiritual movement lasted 78 years . This is a gift from God to all Chinese churches, same as Keswick Convention. This yr 16 relay stations Hk & overseas. Pls pray especially for the saints in Macau, Canada & Sydney attending the conference via broadcasting. Also pray for the 100,000 attendants & a few hundred b/s serving together in 10 days. May Lord call all to live for the glory of God, for the Bible, for the kingdom & for the church, and may Jesus also do what He did in the past years – calling large group of full-time servants. click

Renew My Whole!

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
.. the Word of the Lord spread widely & grew in power … (v.17)

The Church grows and grows — three factors :
1. Believe in the true Faith (v.1-7)
2. Cleanse all sins today (v.13-20)
3. Conform the enemies (v23-41)

*A summary for HK Bible Conference 1984 –”When we think of the kingdom of God, the realization of prophesy, the precious grace and the incomparable glory — if we offer ourselves to Jesus unconditionally and unreservedly, we will become the flowing rivers as our lives are filled by the Holy Spirit. The river will flow into all direction unceasingly all over the year. To be the witnesses of Jesus, like the deliverers described in Obadiah (v.21), the kingdom of God will come soon. May the Lord help us– that we will be His worshippers and servants in this spiritually desired era. (The book of Obadiah — Pastor ???)

Name of Wonder!

Acts, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Sovereign Lord… You made the heaven and the earth and the sea,and everything in them…

His Name is our victory:
1. People of God — lifting up the name of Jesus Christ is the power of origin (v.1-14)
2. Enemies of God– refusing His name gives nothing but threatening (v. 15-22)
3. Church of God– calling out the name of Jesus Christ is the only way (v.23-31)
Go to Him and call out His name while you can still be saved by this name now.

*Desiring for God’s words? — may find a few links as resource for Bible studies below:
English: www.bible.org ; Simplified Chinese web : The Home of Jonah — contains numerous books – from collections of Watchman Nee, Stephen Kaung , to The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

Praise !

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Tim 1:17)

Law of Success
Lead regular life: Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training… (1 Cor Ch.9)
Be concentrated: But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what in ahead… (Phil Ch.3)
Reduce pressure: Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)?
Coping with pressure:
Adjust lifestyle, enhance physical condition, increase self-confidence: …but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength?Isa Ch.40?
Make preparation :…the ant…stores its provisions in summer & gathers its food at harvest…(Prov Ch.6)
Building up support: …a brother is born for adversity. (Prov Ch.17)?
Balanced diet: …your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit…(1 Cor Ch.6)… so whether you eat or drink…do it all for the glory of God. (10:31)
Keep fit: For physical training is of some value, but godliness…holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Tim Ch.4)
Positive thinking: …Guard your heart… (Prov Ch.4)?
Go forward with courage:…It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Col Ch.3)

Enriched in Everything!

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full. <16:24>

4 things the Spirit achieves in us :
1. Makes people turn to God?v.1…11?
2. Teaches and inspire us?v.12…15?
3. Encourages and comforts us?v.16…22?
4. Helps us to pray?v.23…33?

* You can’t deny — A brother was baldheaded before he believedin Jesus . After baptism he heard the Bible says “Even your hair had been counted. “And so he prayed often for his hair. After a year his hair grew well again!
?The website of Ark Channel (both Chinese & English) is established, click

Unfailing Love?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…One thing I know, that, being blind before , now I see?
?The funeral of Nancy Chiu was held last Sat. , many of her relatives came to hear the gospel. 30 minutes before the meeting ,Steven Tang called from the East coast , USA: “Nancy was baptized at the same day as me. For 10 years she battled with cancer, she should have passed away much earlier. But God prolonged her life for years by miracle until her only child grew up, glory unto God…” Nancy fell ill 10 years ago after giving birth to her child. She gained eternal life 2 years more ago. The eulogy topic is “The Light of Life –- Eternal Hope”. In Paul’s letter to Thessalonians there are three “together” mentioned?v.14?17?, proclaiming the hope of resurrection, the hope of reunion and the hope of eternity. Pls pray for Nancy’s parents, her son Hiu Leung, her husband Gary and her many relatives in HK, Canada and London. May Nancy be the kernel of wheat that falls on the ground which produces many seeds !


Fill me, Lord?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which abides unto life eternal…

“Legendary Report” by John — 4 miracles :
1. Feeding a crowd of 5,000 … Salvation brings satisfaction down in the heart (6:1…14?
2. Calming the sea … Salvation brings supernatural peace?6:15…21?
3. Healing the blind … Salvation brings light and direction?9:1…7?
4. Raising the dead … Salvation brings immortal life?11:34…46?

?SisterYW Lam ??? , who is on her way to recovery, is still weak physically and mentally due to the after effect of the treatments. Pls pray for this God-loving sister.

One God , One Goal?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
He must increase, but I must decrease. <3:30>

The wisdom of Life?Jn 3:22-30??
1. He will prosper — John, the pioneer of the times, knew very well his mission was to bring people to Christ only!
2. I become less — We will all pass away one day. But what determine our success is whether we can bring the focus of people on the Lord!

?Sunday meditation — Ma Ying Jiu???, the Taiwanese politician, recalled his father’s advice: “My father .. just often reminded me to make a good play when I’m on stage , and to be a silent audience when off stage.” Today we, as men belong to God, are a part of the divine play. Don’t be arrogant or discouraged; just make a good play of your role !
?The 4 gospel meetings in HK this morning bring great harvest, thanks for all the prayers from you!

Grace Awakening?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do…<23:34>

7 words on the cross, Luke only recalls the first , second & last one :
1. ”Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”<23:34>
2. “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” <23:43>
3. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” <23:46>
This report reflected the theme of the Gospel According to Luke – the Lord of mercy, praying for sinners and to seek and to save the lost !

?Last week the ex-prisoner uncle Tong?? & I have a gospel trip to a secondary school. Tong sincerely told his story: he was an orphan, addicted to drugs, later he even killed and got arrested. But by great love of Jesus he came off the gang and became an evangelist.. That day a couplet was hoisted in school hall — “launch out into the deep, ignite the Light into the world”

Stand Firm?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… What shall I do?…

The warning of vineyard — turn back now, for God have mercy :
1. God had tolerated again and again ?v.9…12?
2. Why be wrong once more? ?v.13…19?

?During the 911 terrorists attack, flight no 93 of UA was hijacked. A few brave passengers sacrificed themselves to resist the terrorists. Among them one called Beamer phoned Lisa the telephone operator for a farewell to his wife (who is also named Lisa!). In the phone call, Beamer recited the Psalms 23 to the operator, after that he sacrificed in fighting with the terrorists. At that time at least 2 other passengers were singing this Psalms:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall lack nothing.He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

My Soul doth Wait?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
for I have five brothers…

Having the whole family saved & meet in eternity future :
1. The rich man down in the Hades — Not because he is rich, but because he was an unfaithful steward – worshipping wealth as his God?v.19… 22?
2. The poor man put in paradise — Not because he is among the proletariat, but because he listened to God’s words?v.23 …31?
Share the Words of God with our friends when they are still alive!

?Businessman Cho Wing Charm ??? and his wife had been devoted Buddhist, but Mrs. Cho believed in Jesus after the 5-year-long persuasion by her daughter. A month later , Cho thought again and again, finally also prayed in the phone with his daughter . Now whole family surrendered to Christ .They cleansed the entire Buddha hall at home, the idols piled up to a truck’s capacity! From then they held gospel groups at their home, leading many to the true God.?Cho had written“100 Questions about a Changed Life”…Q&A explaining the Christian faith to Buddhists?

Hear the Spirit says ?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…there are last who shall be first… <13:30>

4 problems in life :
1. Political problem: where to find justice? ?v.1…9?
2. Legal problem: where to find rest? ? v.10…21?
3. Salvation problem: how can reward be valued? ?v.22…30?
4. Final problem: where to find peace? ?v.31…35?
We must experience much difficulties before entering the kingdom of God. Strive to enter the narrow door!

?My spiritual comrade Frankie Choi has just cleared all the idols in his mother’s home. Pls pray for his mother who had a stroke, as well as his family. May Lord strengthen their faith, protect & grant them grace and peace!
?Good Message in Cantonese — ”The Call to Walk with God”?by Samuel Ching ????(click)

Sustain the Weak?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… No one having laid his hand on the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God. <9:62>

Into the way of the cross with Him– be separated, be relentless & be absolute:
1. Be separated … Desire nothing from the world when walking with Lord ?v.57…58?
2. Be relentless … Please God first & have no comprises with men ?v.59…60?
3. Be absolute … Faith is a way that has no return! Follow HIm! ?v.61…62?

? Walk with God with humble heart — The scientists estimated that after 4 billions years ,the sun will “grow” 50% bigger, and be 1000 times brighter than now. This will burn all cars, buildings & cities on earth. The temperature of the sun is closely related with the fate of human beings. But even the sun is only a small potato in the universe, since there are 200 billions suns in the galaxy! On the other hand, the galaxy we situated is revolving with a speed of 0.79 million km an hour, but it still needs 0.2 billion years to turn a round! Just imagine there are numerous galaxies in the universe, & our galaxy is just like a small island in a great sea of heaven! O God, we worship thee!

Be Merciful?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… your Father also is merciful.

How to receive new blessings ?6:20…49??
1. Establish new character in a renewed attitude?6:20…26?
2. Establish new relationship in the Father’s mercy?6:27…38?
3. Obey Lord’s words in an obedient manner?6:46…49?

? My friend Bill, from Alice Springs in Australia, has survived a trap in the desert but still he refused the Lord. Later he suffered from malaria and was about to die. But Jesus found him in a great light and he was suddenly healed! A pastor told him this was God calling him and taught him to pray. He start to pray unwillingly, and when he said “Amen” , the Spirit came and Bill knew by heart that he was saved! From then he loved God for several decades, even became a gospel driver. 2 years ago his wife passed away, and Bill decided to preach alone in the Far East with his remaining days.

Guide me!

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus…

How can we encounter the Lord? – 3 factors:
1. Be familiar in Lord’s words (v.29-33)
2. Obey God’s will (v.29)
3. Be filled with the Spirit (v.27)
Simeon was upright & feared God, waiting for Lord’s coming(at any time).

* Successful Chinese businessman David C. Lam said that faith granted him certainty & joy down in his heart, also an optimistic attitude & positive world view. How to view & explain the world is extremely important in daily life. Our faith should be connected with daily life, actively participate in life while walking with God. When Lam was 60 ,his business kingdom was at the peak, but he sold all his assets over the world , donated much of his wealth, amounting to several millions, to charities. Then he spends his remaining life to Bible study & serve the community.

Mission in Life?

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… mocked Him… lead Him out that they may crucify Him. <15:20>

Men’s choice, Lord’s choice :
1. Fatal decision?v.1…15?– Never sacrifice your faith in exchange of short-term gains like Pilate!
2. Determination of sacrificing?v.16…32?– Our Lord abandoned both the world & Hmself, only to obey the Father. Lord, we now follow your steps into the narrow path!

? Both 3 generations of David C. Lam the entrepreneur loved the Lord. His grandfather taught in a poor village. A foreign pastor came, but no one responded during altar call ! The elders of the village elected Mr. Lam to raise his hands so to ‘save’ the pastor from embarrassment…but Spirit worked & he became true disciple & a pastor, his son Lam Chi Fung ??? and grandson David C. Lam??? also became educationist and philanthropist. ?Remember to preach, so as to pray!?

Life Upright?

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Go home … tell them how great things the Lord has done for you … <5:19>

From Tombs to Home — Glorious Liberation :
1. Hopeless life: Tombs as home ?v.1…5?
– So many people are manipulated by evil spirits, losing control of themselves & hurting others. They are just wandering from one tomb to another !
2. Almighty Savior: Home , sweet home ?v.6…20?
– Jesus made a special trip to save him, casting out unclean spirits & sent him home intact! So he witnessed bravely by the Lord’s love & His great name!

? My friend who was a policeman before. Newly after he believed , a criminal tried to escape. He was frightened and chased out at once, and he prayed on his way…5 minutes later the criminal was caught back. In anger he wanted to beat him up, but the Spirit stopped him, calming him from fierce anger.
? In this year’s Oscar, films promoting homosexuality is hot. 60,000 b/s signed up to protest against it in America. Pls pray and call on the Spirit to keep people’s heart, so that they can look through the conspiracy of Satan, which is to shake the tradition value of family.

Be Courageous?

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
And rising in the morning long before day, He …went away into a desert place, and there prayed. <1:35>

Our Lord’s example — showing mercy & seekiing God :
1. Lord’s service and mercy have no bounds on time & place ?Mk 1:21…34?
2. Lord reserve time for seeking & being quiet. This keeps His source of power & fine tunes the direction of his works?Mk 1:35?

? Yesterday we mentioned a child suffering from infantile autism. The others were harsh to him but a sister devoted in taking care of him. His mother was a drifting Christian, but the child told her to read the Bible whenever he saw his mother was sad. She obeyed reluctantly and read chapter by chapter – from Genesis to Malachi. God’s words comforted & directed her in numerous ways, and this helpless mum now becomes fervent in loving others, being greatly used by Lord.

Why this Waste?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
For this is my blood… shed for many for remission of sins. <26:28>

Love is not h olding back — all for the Lord :
1. A beautiful thing?v.1…13?— Life and opportunities fly. Catch hold of the moment to spend for Lord!
2. A shameful thing?v.14…16?– One can give up and betray Jesus in a mind, and never to be recovered. Be careful!

? The stories of R. Chapman in 19th century aroused interest from sints. Simon from Scotland provides comments on Chapman by Spurgeon the famous pastor: — Though he (Chapman) is not well-known, he served quietly. But his humbleness shown when caring others had deeply influenced Hudson Taylor, John Nelson Darby and me…because his kindness, merciful, wisdom and love had influenced many throughout the world. His motto is ‘my career is to love, but never expecting to be loved in return’ His life challenged all the people of God to commit to Christ more deeply, and to love others more selflessly.”

A Living Hope?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your understanding. <22:37>

Reminders in the progress to the Kingdom of Heaven :
1. Duties in this life (v. 15-22) – Are we sacrificing our best to God in love to Him? Are we carrying out duties on earth faithfully in fear of Him?
2. Hope afterlife (v. 23-32) – In God’s heavenly eyes there are no deads. Death of God’s people is a passage to the better home in heaven!

? A friend was ill-treated by his father in his childhood. He can’t forgive his father even after believing in Jesus, only willing to preach once to his father, letting him to choose whether or not to believe and let him to bear the consequence alone! But after he preached, But the Lord reminded him to pray for enemies. At last he forgave his father, preached to him until his father was saved, and took care of him in his illness till he passed away.

He is Possible?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. <19:6>

Repairing 2 loopholes of this generation– everything is possible with Lord :
1. Are we viewing marriage in God’s viewpoint ? ?v.1…12?
2. Are we having the Lord’s insight in nurturing our children ? ?v.13…15?

? On 31/1 Crusade, Samuel Ching mentioned there are many Buddhist monks in Thailand, but most of them smoke. The government is troubled since smoking is bad for health. In 1986 Ching preached in Thailand, the Buddhist monks believed in Jesus too, and they threw away the cigarettes & Buddhist ritual stuffs, to proclaim Jesus is Lord. Believing in Jesus is surely healthier!
? 3rd round…”New Life, New Hope” gospel meeting?
1. “Soften Your Heart” – Ling Nan College
2. “The Unchanging Love” – Taikoo Primary Sch

A Time to Change !

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… I would not send them away fasting lest they shou ld faint on the way… <15.32>

Receiving from Him with additional grace :
1) Life is full of hunger and scarcity — the Lord of plenty always looks after us (v32)
2) We are always forgetful & short-sighted — we often forget how God still has mercy on us (Ch 14, 15.33)
3) The promising Son of man — He never changes , always ready to change you again! (v.34-37)

* Having Him always, our heart will be healed — Bro Dixon Ip (Tak Sang) and Samuel Ching are going to preach on 30 and 31 Jan in New Life New Hope gospel meeting. (HITEC / 3pm, HK time).
*Pop star Pan, Hsiu King ??? was very famous over southeast Asia some yrs ago. She said God gave her two platforms in her life: one is the platform for singing – it is empty and sad; another one is the platform for life after He gave her a new life — it is free and bright!

Restored Sound ?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
a bruised reed shall he not break …<12:20>

2 Rewards of following Jesus …Rest unto us, Mercy unto others :
1. Rest is everywhere?v.1…8?…With Jesus, every day is Sabbath / rest, every place is God’s Temple!
2. Showing mercy any time?v.9…14?…Are we aiming for our own interest & reputation, or we love men and God purely & serve for the truth ?

? Last week n our homegathering , Bro Kent fr Papua New Guinea & Chiu Kwok Shun ??? fr Toronto visited us. Kent has been running his restaurant in NG for 17 years, experienced earthquake, robbery…but he & his wife still strive to preach gospel & trust Jesus everyday. Recently a customer wanted to create trouble after drunken, Kent prayed in the kitchen. The Lord listened immediately — electricity stopped all of a suddeny ! All customers had to leave! Jesus is alive – even far away in New Guinea!

Heals Many!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Himself took our infirmities and bo re our diseases.

Our Lord — 10 miracles the signs of His kingship (Ch.8-9) :
1. Power of healing and saving (81-17; 9:27-34)
2. Power over the nature (8:23-27)
3. Power over death (9:18-19: 27-25)
4. Authority to vanquish demons (8:28-34 ;9:32-34)
Having Him, what do we fear for tomorrow?

* The cross eliminates hatred — A professional stunt man was once very successful, having the chance to be the substitute of various stars like Jacky Chan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. He moved to Vancouver & settled there, but suddenly he encountered a family crisis. In despair he determined to take revenge.One night he met a friend inviting him to dine in church. He was filled by Lord’s love and burst into tears – even before the gathering started ! Later he pledged to be Lord’s disciple and forgave his enemy. Freed from hatred, he turned a new leaf!
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