What God Promised, He Will Perform!

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Promise Through Faith Is God’s Grace! Ark Channel 08/08/2022 Mon Romans 4

…God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did (v17)

* “Calls those things which does not exist as though they did” means God brings the non-existent into existent. Praise God for His might and power of resurrection, to bring us from non-existent into existent, from the old creation into the new creation!

Romans 4:1-25

* Yang Endian born without hands was an abandoned baby, adopted by the founder of the Christian Mountain Nursery in Taiwan. When she reached primary school, she learnt that she was an adopted child and asked, “They say you are not my mother, you have a hundred children! The mother replied, “They don’t have a mother and a father, God wants me to take care of them including you.” Grace grew up and by the Lord’s grace became an outstanding artist, painting with her feet and becoming internationally renowned.

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