The Creation in Groans and Labours!

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The Holy Spirit Helps in Our Weakness! – Ark Channel 13/08/2022 Saturday Romans 8b

because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of the corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. (v21)

* God blesses us with the new life that brings freedom and hope. We are being guided and transformed by the Holy Spirit, enjoying the inseparable love of God! In living and death, in blessings and misfortunes, in life present and future, this love is in our Lord Christ Jesus!

Romans 8:18-39

* 28 sessions of the Hong Kong Bible Conference have come to a perfect close with the theme “Our Eternal Hope”. The three speakers now continue with their faithful ministry. Let us pray for their work, health, and family. Also pray for the walking in God’s word, and the consecrated hearts.

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