With faith as our shield!

Ephesians No Comments »

Time is precious! – Ark Channel 300922 Fri Ephesians 2

…Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household (v19)

* God has a masterplan for the universe! He is gracious enough to let us participate in it and become His masterpiece — the Church. The Church is Christ’s body, God’s Holy Temple, the mystery of the Trinity, a new Mankind made by God, a glorious bride, and a strong warrior!

Ephesians 2:1-22

* Albert Schweitzer once said, “The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he lives.” – Hear Scotty Smith’s Story of redemption.

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The hope to which he has called you!

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Praise be to the God and Father! – Ark Channel 290922 Thu Ephesians 1

he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ (v.9)

* Please listen: Our God is a God who has a plan, a will, and a goal! Christ and His glorious Church (all of His believers over all time) will become God’s eternal dwelling. Life is not karma heading nowhere!

Ephesians 1:1-23

* “I believe in the sun even when it is not shining
And I believe in love, even when there’s no one there.
And I believe in God, even when He is silent.”
- A victim of the Holocaust

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Sow Unto The Spirit Reap Everlasting Life!

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Each One Shall Bear His Own Load! Ark Channel 280922 Wed Galatians 6

…for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (v9)

* Those who walk in the Holy Spirit have two indicators: the ability to redeem the weak and the courage to do good with the money God has given them. It’s all like sowing seeds, except that we only boast Christ and His cross!

Galatians 6:1-18

* Book recommendation: ”Talk Thru the Bible” by Bruce Wilkinson. It provides a valuable summary of every book of the Bible.

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Gentleness, Self-Control!

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Love Others As Yourself! Ark Channel 27/09/2022 Tue Galatians 5

For we through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. (v5)

* Out of our heart springs the issues of life. If we treat someone well, we will say what is right; but if we hate someone, our words and actions towards him will be bad. At the critical moment, act by the Holy Spirit, accept the leading from Him!

Galatians 5:1-26

* The prayer of a pastor who once was a ADHD child: Groaning and Hopeful

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Follow God In Path Of The Living!

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He Who Believes In Me Shall Live! Ark Channel 26/09/2022 Mon 2 Galatians 4

…if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. (v7)

* In praying we call God “Abba Father” revealing the same life, filled with emotion and respect. We have the Spirit of the Son of God within us, a mysterious union!

Galatians 4:1-31

* Good News: My wife’s heart valve surgery was postponed twice by the hospital due to the pandemic, and I was at a loss. In God’s grace and with the prayers of our brothers and sisters, she finally underwent surgery today and it was very successful. Thank God for His grace and for strengthening my faith. ~James (HK)

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Not by Myself, but with God’s Grace! – Sunday Hope_25/09/2022

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We are Clothed in Christ! – Sunday Hope 25/09/2022 Galatians 3

…that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. (v22)

* We are justified by faith. We live by faith. We are given the Holy Spirit by faith. We are one with our fellow Christians by faith. It is all right to lose everything. Let us not lose our small faith!

Galatians 3:1-29

* A classic hymn in vocal ensemble (Conference of T4G Live)
O Lord, My Rock & My Redeemer

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Support the Weak, Care for the Poor!

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He Gave Himself for Me! – Ark Channel 24/09/2022 Sat Galatians 2

… I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. (v20)

* “The Cross/crucified” occurs 8 times in Galatians. Crucified with Christ. United with Christ. “Me” is no longer in control of my life!

Galatians 2:1-21

* My dad / 江澤球弟兄was baptised at the age of 83, and has since enjoyed church life for 11 years, happy, worry-free and in good health. He finished his earthly journey of 94 years and was received home by our Lord on 6 September. His memorial meeting will be held on 25 September to mark the grace of God. (From Sam Kong/瑞榮, Hong Kong)

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Called me by His grace!

Galatians No Comments »

Not of human origin! – Ark Channel 23/09/2022 Fri Galatians 1

…If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. (v10)

* The heart of the Gospel is that Christ “gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age”. Apart from Him, there is no salvation!

Galatians 1:1-24

* A heart of caring and mercy — HK Bible Conference notes (Bill Crowder)

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Strive for full restoration, encourage one another!

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God of love and peace will be with you! – Ark Channel 22/09/2022 Thu 2 Co 13

For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God’s power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God’s power we will live with him in our dealing with you. (v4)

* Paul’s heart is that of Christ’s — never giving up on people! Even the problematic churches and people — even the sinners who rejected him — he strived to teach. The God of love and peace is seen in that kind of service!

2Corithians 13:1-14

* Silicon Valley Christian Assembly’s message: Resting In God’s Eternal Arms – Rev. Hongjie YU

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My Grace Is Sufficient For You!

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

Joy In Struggle And Suffering! Ark Channel 21/09/2022 Wed 2 Co 12

…“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”… (v9)

* Grace is sufficient (v9)! The word ‘sufficient’ in the original text also means ‘inexhaustible’ as well as ‘satisfied’, ‘constant supply’ like a monthly salary. God’s grace is an inexhaustible gift, sufficient to meet all of life’s problems!

2Corithians 11:1-33

* The clotting of blood in the human body involves 20 different plasma proteins to form the specific fibrin that stops the bleeding. The complexity of biochemistry is amazing and wonderful!

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Carry Each Other’s Burden!

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

A Burden To No One! Ark Channel 20/09/2022 Tue 2 Co 11

Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble, and I do not burn with indignation? (v29)

* The beauty of the Church is that we can empathise with the weak. We sympathise with others who have fallen, but also recognise our own vulnerability and unreliability, and fear that one day we will fall too. That is why we do not criticise the weak, but to feel for them and support them in prayer as members of God’s family.

2Corithians 11:1-33

* A summary of Ajith Fernando’s sharing: Thank you for praying for me to finish my sermon. Two dear friends of 50 years recently passed away and went to be with the Lord – Faith Berman and Brian Blacker, both of whom worked closely with us in the Youth to Christ Association. They were faithful servants and lived lives of love! (Letter from Sri Lanka)

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Mighty In God!

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

Capture Every Thought To The Obedience Of Christ! Ark Channel 19/09/2022 Mon 2 Co 10

But “he who glories, let him glory in the Lord.” (v17)

* The result of our serving should be “of Him and through Him and to Him”. As the Lord’s co-workers, we can only say, “say, ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’ ” (Luke 17:10). Not to boast the workers but to glorify the Lord who works!

2Corithians 10:1-18

* Video Tribute : Christian faith of Queen Elizabeth II – in her own words

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Abound in Every Good Work! – Sunday Hope_18/09/2022

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Sow Bountifully, Reap Bountifully! – Sunday Hope 180922 II Corinthians 9

… He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever. (v9)

* A heart to love is a natural overflow of life, not a compliance commandment. Be a cheerful giver and supply each other, not out of obligation. Supplying fellow Christians is an evidence of our mutual care as members of the Body of Christ. Financial support for one another is a common index of to measure our spiritual life.

2Corithians 9:1-15

* A beautiful hymn in Irish folk tune, with lyrics composed by Dallan Forgaill in the 5th century.

Be Thou My Vision(祢是我一切)

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Take Pains to Do What is Right!

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

He Became Poor for Your Sake! – Ark Channel 17/09/2022 Sat II Corinthians 8

… that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded in the riches of their liberality. (v.2)

* Freely giving. This is the grace of God abounding in the Macedonian churches! We provide for fellow Christians who are in poverty, because God’s grace is bringing us together for His testimony as the Body of Christ. We won’t value brotherly love more than the unreliable money, unless we have tasted the grace of God.

2Corithians 8:1-24

* FAM-Able, a website of family education talks(家油站)by Sister Yu / 余巧雲, educational psychologist and pastor FAM-Able

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We would live or die with you!

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

Spiritual companions! – Ark Channel 16/09/2022 Fri 2 Corinthians 7

“conflicts on the outside, fears within. But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus…” (v5-6)

* Even Paul, a rock solid believer, can feel downcast, so why not us? Encouragement that comes from God moves us to become a comforter from God, supporting other brothers and sisters who are coworkers with God. Let us not complain about our shepherds; they need our encouragement too!

2Corithians 7:1-16

* Before Amen(The Power of Simple Prayer) – Max Lucado

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Light With Darkness?

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

I will walk among them! – Ark Channel 15/09/2022 Thu 2 Co 6

…now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. (v.2)

* A life of maybe and yet: We are servants of God, we may be misunderstood, yet we are protected by God. By Earthly standards, we may die an unjust death, yet His words, actions, death and resurrection transcends generations, bearing many fruit!

2Corithians 6:1-18

Should a Christian Bet on Sports?

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It Is God Who Equips Us!

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

In This Tent, Sighs & Anguish! Ark Channel 14/09/2022 Wed 2 Co 5

…if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. (v1)

* The love of Christ compels us. In life and in death, act not by sight but by faith! Regardless how much the Gospel maybe despised, let us carry out our duty. One day all shall be revealed before the throne of Christ and each will be rewarded for good or evil.

2Corithians 5:1-21

* The heaven and earth praise the name of the Lord! Glory be to God! Yesterday we also took advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday to reach out to the general public and overseas students in the park. Many prayed to accept the Lord! Dixon Ip/特生 (LA)

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Outward Man Perishes, Inward Man Renews!

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

Perplexed But Not In Despair! Ark Channel 13/09/2022 Tue 2 Co 4

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. (v32)

* What should be our attitude to serve? Not to lose heart, not to handle the word of God deceitfully, but only to preach Jesus as Lord (v1-3). The means to serve is only by the power of God (v7-12). Those who serve must speak in faith, not be bothered by the temporary afflictions but to care for the glory that is not seen!

2Corithians 4:1-18

* Sunday Service in Church in Gothenburg, speaker Peter Chan

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Written on Tablets of Human Heart!

Corinthians 2 No Comments »

Reflect The Lord’s Glory! Ark Channel 12/09/2022 Mon 2 Co 3

…our competence comes from God. (v5)

* For us living in the New Testament, our work is the transformation of lives by the Lord’s life (v1-3), with the vitality of the Holy Spirit (v4-6), bringing people into glory and spiritual freedom (v17-18)! Fancy words is only building on sand!

2Corithians 3:1-18

* A new audio Ark Channel is now available. To subscribe use the link : http://www.arkchannel.org/zh/

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Reaffirm Your Love! – Sunday Hope_11/09/2022

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Triumphal Procession Led by God! – Sunday Hope 11/09/2022 2 Co 2

For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. (v15)

* Submit to God’s sovereignty. Renounce self-will. Follow Christ with our whole heart when He leads. Only then our aroma will diffuse, and our life will make an impact.

2Corithians 2:1-17

* The world is too full of noises. Why don’t we quiet down and listen to the heavenly sound

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Rely Not on Ourselves but on God!

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

He Will Deliver Us Again! – Ark Channel 10/09/2022 Sat 2 Co 1

Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead. (v9)

* Misfortunes can be a blessing in disguise. Years have passed. Our life may be running aground. Even so God’s comfort may abound more. The sky may be overcast with dark clouds. Even so God’s Spirit is teaching us not to rely on ourselves, but on the Lord who makes us alive!

2Corithians 1:1-24

* Sermon by Max Lucado: Anxious For Nothing

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Do everything in love!

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you! – Ark Channel 09/09/2022 Fri 1 Co 16

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. (v13)

* Are you facing many trials? Then opportunities are abound! Paul stayed in Ephesus, where people came and went, but he toiled with tears for three years, speaking only about God’s will, giving himself to others, and through the Holy Spirit established the Church in Ephesus. Rather than moan, why not charge ahead!

1Corithians 16:1-24

* How to preach the Gospel? – Elder Samuel CHING/程蒙恩長老(in Chinese)

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In a blink of an eye!

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

Raised in Power! – Ark Channel 08/09/2022 Thu 1 Co 15b

…For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. (v.52)

* Belief in the resurrection can sustain our footsteps in this life. We are careful in our ways, yet filled with hope for the future! Moody said, “You can believe in yourself, but you’ll ultimately be disappointed; you can believe in your friends, but they will die, and may leave you; but if you believe in God, you will never be confused, whether in this life or in eternity!”

1Corithians 15:35-58

* Nuremburg Gospel Camp: A Richer Life (01) – Bro. Dingqiang GUO/郭定強弟兄 (2022-06-03)(in Chinese)

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Hope In This Life Only?

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

The Grace Of God Was With Me! Ark Channel 07/09/2022 Wed 1 Co 15a

…the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand (v1)

* Live today in the hope of the resurrection, in purity and in hope, always striving to do the Lord’s work! “…knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” (15:58b)

1Corithians 15:1-34

* In the days of your youth remember the Lord your God. The Healer(in Chinese)

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Discern & Overcome evil with good!

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

Speak Words That Edify! Ark Channel 06/09/2022 Tue 1 Co 14b

And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. (v32)

* To ‘edify’ means to build up, to give a deeper understanding of the faith and a deeper experience. All gifts are to be measured by the edification of the whole church. 1 Cor 14 mentions ‘edify’ six times, which is worth considering – are we using our talents for God’s work to satisfy our own sense of success?

1Corithians 14:20-40

* The Healing of Forgiveness :- Tim Kelly

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Love Edifies!

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

Speak To Edify The Church! Ark Channel 05/09/2022 Mon 1 Co 14a

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. (v33)

* Two rules for congregational meetings: the preacher must be a man of God and not a man of his own counsel (v.26). Everything is for the edification of the people, so all may learn and be exhorted (v26, 31).

1Corithians 14:1-19

* Since childhood, she has been pessimistic and anxious, and in secondary school she was over 1000 degrees nearsighted. After graduating from university with a medical degree, she moved to New Zealand, where she was able to attend church, experience Hosea 6:1 and reconcile with her family. She says: “The end of man is the beginning of God!”

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