Love Keeps No Records of Wrongs! – Sunday Hope_04/09/2022

Corinthians 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Say Jesus is Lord by the Holy Spirit! – Sunday Hope 04/09/2022 I Co 13:1-13

… does not seek its own, is not provoked, … (v5)

* We have two windows to express love. One is giving. Another is gratitude. In the ebbs and flows of life, always give so love flows out from us, and be grateful to experience blessedness. This is the fruit of the Cross.

1Corithians 13:1-13

* The lyrics read: Years and months fly by as lightning. Yet Your hands have never left me. You Know Me Deeply(如此認識我)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Sharing Pains and Cheers Together!

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

Give Food of God’s Grace in Due Season! – Ark Channel 03/09/2022 Sat I Co 12

… and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. (v.3b)

* Chapter 12 of I Corinthians starts talking about the spiritual gifts (v. 1-11); and moves on to the Body of Christ (v. 12-31). Everyone in the church is given different kinds of gifts, all ingenious talents! How do they build up the Body of Christ? Gifts are for building up the Body of Christ, rather than standing above others! Edify people, edify the church – this is God’s purpose!

1Corithians 12:1-31

* Sermon by Professor Joseph Sung Jao-yiu / 沈祖堯教授 on Once-in-a-Lifetime Pandemic(世紀之疫), at Grace (S.C.C.) Church. Scripture from Matthew 8:1-4./ in Chinese

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

In remembrance of me!

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

Proclaiming the Lord’s death! – Ark Channel 02/09/2022 Fri 1 Co 11

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. (v1)

* The Lord’s death was one of abandonment — the world nailed Him to the cross! Are we ready to be abandoned by the world when we give ourselves to Him? Through death, the Lord defeated many demons, and brought forth many seeds, uniting with us forever! We die with the Lord, and we will be resurrected with Him!

1Corithians 11:1-34

* By popular request, from September 1, the HK Bible Conference will replay all 28 sessions for the churches worldwide to recap.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Be careful, lest you fall!

Corinthians 1 No Comments »

Do not grumble! – Ark Channel 01/09/2022 Thu 1 Co 10

No one should seek their own good, but the good of others. (v24)

* Life has five traps: Coveting after evil things, worshipping idols, committing adultery, testing God with complaints, and drinking from the cup of demons. Instead, we ought to build others up and glorify God.

1Corithians 10

* Our Daily Bread ministries’ .52 Good Habits In Spiritual Growth series

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