Abound in Every Good Work! – Sunday Hope_18/09/2022

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Sow Bountifully, Reap Bountifully! – Sunday Hope 180922 II Corinthians 9

… He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever. (v9)

* A heart to love is a natural overflow of life, not a compliance commandment. Be a cheerful giver and supply each other, not out of obligation. Supplying fellow Christians is an evidence of our mutual care as members of the Body of Christ. Financial support for one another is a common index of to measure our spiritual life.

2Corithians 9:1-15

* A beautiful hymn in Irish folk tune, with lyrics composed by Dallan Forgaill in the 5th century.

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