Not Greedy For Money!

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Love Good, Sober-Minded, Just! Ark Channel 31/10/2022 Mon Titus 1

in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began (v2)

* In 64 AD, the Roman Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for the fire, and the city was filled with injustice. Peter and Paul were martyred during that storm. Pray that God would raise up leaders in the world and the church of faith, godliness, hope, eternal life, and love for God (v.1-2)

Titus 1:1-16

* Recently I read a letter from John Newton, who wrote: “Many a time when I was sick almost to the point of death. I was like a sailor sleeping on the mast in a night of thunder and rain, not knowing whether I would be swept into the roaring sea when the next wave came…. But when the new day arrives, I look back on the storm and am filled with gratitude and joy. God removed the veil from my eyes when I had no way out”.

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I Stand at the Door and Knock! – Sunday Hope_30/10/2022 (2 Timothy 4)

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Be Prepared Always. Endure All Things! – Sunday Hope 30/10/2022 II Timothy 4

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (v7)

* We are living now and here. But our heart should live in the presence of God. Our heart should also meet Christ Jesus face to face who in the future will judge the living and the dead. Respect Him. Fear Him. Love Him. Listen to Him.

2 Timothy 4:1-22

* Time is gliding by, fleeting fast, life is just a sigh! But there is one thing that can turn our heart from poverty to wealth. Enjoy this blissful song, sung in Cantonese:Treasure(寶貝)

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Those Determined to Godliness Will be Tested!

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All Scripture is God-breathed! – Ark Channel 29/10/2022 Sat II Timothy 3

… the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. (v15)

* We are in the end time. People are getting more and more wicked. A list of 19 vices is posted in II Timothy 3 (v. 1-5). Faked spiritual products and false teachers emerge. On the other hand, the pure-hearted can also possess 9 virtues as Paul does (v. 10-11). Our forefathers have left us a Bible. Open it. Read it. We will find it profitable for our salvation!

2 Timothy 3:1-17

* You Owe Life a Miracle, Chinese sermon (你欠生命一份神蹟 ) by the late Reverend Arnold M.K. Yeung/ 楊牧谷

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Holy & Honourable, Of Use to the Lord!

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The Word of God Is Not Bound! Ark Channel 28/10/2022 Fri 2 Timothy 2

If we are faithless, He remains faithful, … (v13)

* By grace we stand strong, with love we endure! Suffering strengthens and builds up the House of God, a House where the resurrected life of Christ is found, generation upon generation. He is forever faithful. Let us cherish our identity, value ourselves as vessels of gold and of silver, be faithful teachers to others. Glad tidings: the Lord knows he who belongs to Him!

2 Timothy 2:1-26

* Madam Asta Nilsson/艾喜徳教士, Sweden, knew of the great needs due to the influx of illegal immigrants in Hong Kong in 1954. In response to the calling of the Lord, she came to HK by boat. Joining Annie Skau Berntsen/司務道 in Tiu Keng Leng, she diligently serves the refugee camps for decades. Though a retireee now in her home country, she is still spending time to serve the Chinese in Sweden, tirelessly offering her life for Christ.

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As the night passes, love is lit!

Timothy 2 No Comments »

Love of the Lamb, Song of the bride! – Ark Channel 27/10/2022 Thu 2 Timothy 1

…join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. (v.8)

* 2 Timothy contains Paul’s heartfelt last words. One day, each of us will write our own farewells. Paul did not recount any of his accomplishments, instead reminding the younger ones to fight for truth all of their lives (Chapter 1), suffer for truth (Chapter 2), stay true to the faith (Chapter 3), and preach the Way (Chapter 4). This life is limited; in store is a crown! (4:8)

2 Timothy 1:1-18

* Paster XJ Yang/楊錫鏘牧師 speaks on Jesus’ struggles: facing mankind’s weaknesses

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Change Only Comes When You Give Up!

Timothy 1 No Comments »

Give Generously, Share Willingly! Ark Channel 26/10/2022 Wed 1 Timothy 6

For we brought nothing into this world, [d]and it is certain we can carry nothing out. (v7)

* An interesting final piece of advice for the church and saints is the attitude towards money (2 Timothy 6:17-19). Seeking money for the sake of work or for pleasure or comfort are all invalid. Let your money flow, invest in almsgiving and the gospel then you will be satisfied and contented!

1 Timothy 6:1-21

* An orthopedic surgeon describes the wonder of God’s creation. The human hand is able to hold apparatus with much precision. The human thumb, when at rest, rotates 90 degrees in opposite direction of the other four fingers, whereas the hand of an ape does not have this function and cannot interlock two fingers in a circle. Man was fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:14)

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Improvement Comes When We are Not Contented!

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Diligently Follow Every Good Work! Ark Channel 25/10/2022 Tue 1 Timothy 5)

well reported for good works: if she has brought up children, if she has lodged strangers, if she has washed the saints’ feet, if she has relieved the afflicted, if she has diligently followed every good work. (v10)

* Paul’s list of good deeds begins with raising and caring for children, which is our duty! Then we should receive those who are far away, then we should humbly help the believers, and finally we should have mercy on people in general. Those who are passionate to serve in the church, let us not forget to build God’s house, starting with our family.

1 Timothy 5:1-25

* An elderly brother who has followed the Lord all his life vomited blood and fell into a coma in 2003. The doctor said it was hopeless but God listened to the prayers of the saints and kept him alive. He wrote a hymn and the last verse says: “…my heart is steadfast, my heart is steadfast, I will sing, I will sing, O my spirit, press on.”

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When The Lord Returns, Mystery Resolved!

Timothy 1 No Comments »

Hope In The Living God! Ark Channel 24/10/2022 Mon 1 Timothy 4

For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. (v8)

* “Hope” in the original text means unending hope. The living God is the foundation of this hope! The letter as in I Timothy Chapter 1 was sent from prison to show that in the darkness of the last days, the church relies on the power of truth and the practice of truth. Be persistent in preaching the truth despite persecution for the truth! (ch1-4)

1 Timothy 4:1-16

* Good News from Europe – Nine friends who came to the UK yesterday were baptized. Glory to God (The church recently went out to preach the gospel in teams of two or three. We talked and prayed with a total of 13 people. Some believed as soon as they spoke and prayed. Some have not been meeting and praying for them to resume their meeting. Vivian (UK)

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Perfect God’s Way Relieves & Counsels! Sunday Hope_23/10/2022

Sunday Hope, Timothy 1 No Comments »

A Good Steward Who Cares for Home! Sunday Hope 23/10/2022 1 Timothy 3

but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. (v9)

* Whether new believers or seasoned pastors, God ceases not in shaping them. Through our conduct, family, marriage, children and men of the world can witness the vitality brought by faith – there is God who is really among us!

1 Timothy 3

* Give them all to Jesus

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Pray Anywhere!

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Lift Up Holy Hands! – Ark Channel 22/10/2022 Sat I Timothy 2

who (the Man Christ Jesus) gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, (v7)

* Rise and pray for all people! Read the story of Esther. When God’s people are faced with the crisis of life and death, they will see the need of fasting, weeping and praying. May God stretch His arm, and stop the evil one!

1 Timothy 2:1-15

* A Reflection of Life under the Dark Shadow of Cancer(癌病影子論人生). The late Reverend Arnold M.K. Yeung/ 楊牧谷shared about Psalm 84 from his own experience.

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The purpose of the commandment is love!

Timothy 1 No Comments »

My Lord’s grace abounds! – Ark Channel 21/10/2022 Fri 1 Timothy 1

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (v.17)

* In the end times believers must have three characteristics with the heart: 1. A clean heart, fleeing filthiness, 2. A clean conscience that we heed! 3. An innocent heart! This is the witness of the house of God!

1 Timothy 1:1-20

* Yes, Kids Can Learn from Revelation

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Do not grow weary in doing good!

Thessalonians 2 No Comments »

Work well, live normally! – Ark Channel 20/10/2022 Thu 2 Thessalonians 3

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. (v.3)

* Though the Lord may come anytime, we should live normally, work with integrity, and excel at living in the world. Church leaders should be even more prudent to live out a perfect example. Neither Christ nor Paul were end-times fanatics!

2 Thessalonians 3:1-18

* More than 1.3 million Hong Kong people live under the poverty line, living on less than $4000/mo. The New Testament reminds us to care for the poor, this is one of the roles of the Church as well.

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Everlasting Consolation & Good Hope!

Thessalonians 2 No Comments »

Be Quiet, Seek Not Glory! Ark Channel 19/10/2022 Wed 2 Thessalonians 2

to which He called you by our gospel, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (v14)

* Stand firm against the attacks of the Antichrist and not be deceived (v1-12). Anyone who exalts himself, claiming to be god, to be great, receiving worship by men, is a sign of danger.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

* The artist uses sand painting to inspire people’s heart, using the illusion of dust to depict “the parable of the sower”.

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The True God Of Peace!

Thessalonians 2 No Comments »

Patience And Faith! Ark Channel 18/10/2022 Tue (2 Thessalonians 1)

since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you. (v6)

* Lawlessness will prevail in the end times, sinners will be exposed. Whoever steadfastly holding onto the truth, staying away from those who do not comply with rules, diligently working and doing good – they are the ones who are well at peace when the judgement of Christ dawns on the world.

2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

* Prof. King Sing Yui/金新宇教授, former Dean and Vice-President of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Hong Kong tells his experience of God’s grace during the war . His message God’s Kingdom – Now and the Future

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Comfort The Fainthearted!

Thessalonians 1 No Comments »

Wake Or Sleep, Live With HIM! Ark Channel 17/10/2022 Mon 1 Thessalonians 5

You are all sons of light and sons of the day… (v5)

* Guard against radical view of the end times. We hope that the Lord will come soon but in this life we respect leaders (v12-14), always rejoice and bring blessing to the church.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-28

* Evagrius, a father in the fourth century, said: Tears are a gift from God to help us pray. Praying with tears is like being in the temple, clutching the King’s feet and praying for mercy.

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Try a Little Kindness and Experience Joy! – Sunday Hope_16/10/2022

Sunday Hope, Thessalonians 1 No Comments »

Disappointed But Not in Despair! – Sunday Hope 16/10/2022 I Thessalonians 4

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. (v14)

* Persist in three pursuits before the Lord’s return: Pursuit of holiness (4:1-8); pursuit of brotherly love in a proper manner (4:9-12), pursuit of hope of resurrection (4:13-18)!

1 Thessalonians 4:1-18

* Only those who are well aware of their inner darkness will thirst for the illumination of true light, and they will say “Lord, I am coming to You…” as in this Chinese song: Coming to God Just As I Am(照我真的本相)

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In Everything Give Thanks!

Thessalonians 1 No Comments »

Filled with Joy in the Holy Spirit! – Ark Channel 151022 Sat I Thessalonians 3

… in all our affliction and distress we were comforted concerning you by your faith. (v7)

* The world is in turmoil. Let us bear two things in mind: Focus on God’s word; be committed to God’s church. Quite a few Christians are already shaken in faith. They need people to comfort them; to cherish them as a nursing mother does, and to exhort them as a Father does. When our Lord returns, these people around us will be able to stand fast!

1 Thessalonians 3:1-13

* The Miracle of Making Bitter Water Sweet(苦水變甜的神蹟) – Chinese sermon by Pastor Keith Ranger/林克己牧師. When I was a new believer, I joined church meetings near Kowloon Walled City. I listened to Pastor Keith Ranger when he came to preach on the Lord’s Day. After church meeting I walked him to the bus stop. I was in high school then. So many years have passed. Now I have got the precious opportunity to listen to his teaching, from the HK Bible Conference website’s audio archive. – Sam (HK)

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Temporarily Separating, but Hearts Connected!

Thessalonians 1 No Comments »

With the help of our God, we dare! – Ark Channel 141022 Fri 1 Thessalonians 2

…to tell you his gospel in the face of strong opposition. (v.2)

* God cares more for our relationship than what we do for Him. In the Church, we should cherish our relationship with one another in the Lord. Once we were on the same frontline, preaching the Gospel, why should we fall prey to strife?

1 Thessalonians 2:1-20

* XZ Liu/劉幸枝’s story – My parent’s happy ending

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We move by faith!

Thessalonians 1 No Comments »

Waiting for His coming! – Ark Channel 13/10/2022 Thu 1 Thessalonians 1

You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. (v6)

* With hope, we can persevere. We look forward to the Lord’s coming, hope for our troubles to be solved, and hope for the stubborn unbelievers to repent! Become a church full of hope, that’s how life becomes dazzling!

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

* A professor did a study on prayer and health, finding that prayer contributes positively in depression and cancer patients by relieving pain, reflecting that medicine and prayers are complementary and help each other. arkchannel sharing

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Labour Fervently For You In Prayer!

Colossians No Comments »

Be Watchful And Thankful! Ark Channel 12/10/2022 Wed Colossians 4

…redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace… (v5-6)

* Be a man of prayer in the resurrected spirit; use suitable words to communicate with others, be meek, know how to share in the joy and suffering of our Shepherd, improve continuously, renew the self and spread the mystery of Christ!

Colossians 4:1-18

* Scientists estimate that there are about 10,000 species of ants, and the total weight of all members of this insect family is equivalent to the weight of all humans on earth! The Bible tells us to learn from ants , hoping that humans will learn to cooperate and help each other.

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Set Your Mind on Things Above!

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Christ Is Our Life! Ark Channel 11/10/2022 Tue Colossians 3

bearing with one another, and forgiving one another…even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. (v13)

* Life and good, death and evil, are all from the heart. We are a new man and we must put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness and endurance. Love one another and let peace and thankfulness rule in your hearts. The secret is to set our mind on the things above and to store up the words of Christ in our hearts!

Colossians 3:1-25

* Statistical studies have found that the decline of Christianity in the West continues, especially in the United States! A revival will happen, but the current data shows no sign of it. Can the dry bones be revived?

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Help In Time Of Need!

Colossians No Comments »

Be Still, Await A New Day! Ark Channel 10/10/2022 Mon Colossians 2

rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. (v7)

* All earthly things will pass away but all heavenly and spiritual things will endure forever. Pay the price today to seek the immortal, eternal Lord who will not let us down!

Colossians 2:1-23

* Pastor John Snelgrove, a long time resident in HK, writes about the Lord as our vatality: be joyful, be thankful, be humble, be focused, and be at peace. Looking at our hands and counting our fingers, we should say aloud each of these five qualities every morning.

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Names in the Book of Life!

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Rejoice in the Lord! – Ark Channel 081022 Sat Philippians 4

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (v7)

* Manifest Christ by life, abide with Him by death. Help believers to grow and rejoice. Do everything in love. No selfish ambition or conceit. Follow Christ in His example of lowliness. Count everything as loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Jesus. Experience the strengthening of the Lord at all times and in all things. These sum up the secret to a happy life!

Philippians 4:1-23

* Recommended reading: Looking at the emigration wave of Hong Kong, and the proper mindset of Christians should have when faced with the decision to leave or to stay, relevant guidance is offered in June issue of a bi-monthly publication of CCM Christian Mission Limited(中信傳書)

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Unto the Prize of God’s High Calling!

Philippians No Comments »

Press On Toward the Goal! Ark Channel 07/10/2022 Fri Philippians 3

and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: (v8)

* The goal as in “press on toward the goal”, in Greek is Skopos, the latter half of the word “horoscope”. Citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom, let us raise our eyes and look far and ahead, fixing our eyes always on the things of heaven, things of the spirit, things of the days to come! Focus fully to know God and His word, in joy and purity, live our days on earth in holiness.

Philippians 3:1-21

* Please remember my family in prayers. My husband and my one year old daughter are COVID infected. For 3 days with fever, my daughter records a 40.3 degrees with some moments of relief. She is now resting at home after treatment. I have been tested negative so far but suffering sore throat and fever. Lord! Heal us, Lord! Lord! Protect us, Lord! ~YuYu/于于(HK)

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No Groaning, No Fighting!

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Of the same mind, same love! – Ark Channel 06/10/2022 Thu Philippians 2

as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain. (v16)

* A spirit of unity has two requirements: to see others as being better than ourselves, and to not mind our own businesses only. In our daily lives and in working together to serve the Lord, is this not the same?

Philippians 2:1-30

* “Time is a River & we are Pebbles.” In the same time axis, we have met..

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Also To Suffer For His Sake!

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Each One Shall Bear His Own Load! Ark Channel 051022 Wed Philippians 1

…for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (v9)

* Christ is the centre of our living, our life, our example, our goal, our strength, our joy even in adversity and our mind, being one with Him!

Philippians 1:1-30

* 2022 HK Bible Conference messages and study books are still available online in October, make full use of it.

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