Be Strong in HIM!

Ephesians No Comments »

Serve With Goodwill! Ark Channel 04/10/2022 Tue Ephesians 6

praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit… (v18)

* Prayer of 5 “all”: In dangerous times, pray all the time. All round prayer can be audible or silent but the important thing is to rely on God with all your heart. All the saints on alert all the time as a prayerful church!

Ephesians 6:1-24

* “I do not treasure God’s promise in my understanding but in my heart. It is not to be analysed by my intellect but to be pondered in my heart…Therefore it is never sufficient simply to have read God’s Word. It must penetrate deep within us, dwell in us…” ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer (“Meditating on the Word”)

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