Unto the Prize of God’s High Calling!

Philippians No Comments »

Press On Toward the Goal! Ark Channel 07/10/2022 Fri Philippians 3

and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: (v8)

* The goal as in “press on toward the goal”, in Greek is Skopos, the latter half of the word “horoscope”. Citizens of the Heavenly Kingdom, let us raise our eyes and look far and ahead, fixing our eyes always on the things of heaven, things of the spirit, things of the days to come! Focus fully to know God and His word, in joy and purity, live our days on earth in holiness.

Philippians 3:1-21

* Please remember my family in prayers. My husband and my one year old daughter are COVID infected. For 3 days with fever, my daughter records a 40.3 degrees with some moments of relief. She is now resting at home after treatment. I have been tested negative so far but suffering sore throat and fever. Lord! Heal us, Lord! Lord! Protect us, Lord! ~YuYu/于于(HK)

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