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Filled with Joy in the Holy Spirit! – Ark Channel 151022 Sat I Thessalonians 3

… in all our affliction and distress we were comforted concerning you by your faith. (v7)

* The world is in turmoil. Let us bear two things in mind: Focus on God’s word; be committed to God’s church. Quite a few Christians are already shaken in faith. They need people to comfort them; to cherish them as a nursing mother does, and to exhort them as a Father does. When our Lord returns, these people around us will be able to stand fast!

1 Thessalonians 3:1-13

* The Miracle of Making Bitter Water Sweet(苦水變甜的神蹟) – Chinese sermon by Pastor Keith Ranger/林克己牧師. When I was a new believer, I joined church meetings near Kowloon Walled City. I listened to Pastor Keith Ranger when he came to preach on the Lord’s Day. After church meeting I walked him to the bus stop. I was in high school then. So many years have passed. Now I have got the precious opportunity to listen to his teaching, from the HK Bible Conference website’s audio archive. – Sam (HK)

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