Try a Little Kindness and Experience Joy! – Sunday Hope_16/10/2022

Sunday Hope, Thessalonians 1 No Comments »

Disappointed But Not in Despair! – Sunday Hope 16/10/2022 I Thessalonians 4

For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. (v14)

* Persist in three pursuits before the Lord’s return: Pursuit of holiness (4:1-8); pursuit of brotherly love in a proper manner (4:9-12), pursuit of hope of resurrection (4:13-18)!

1 Thessalonians 4:1-18

* Only those who are well aware of their inner darkness will thirst for the illumination of true light, and they will say “Lord, I am coming to You…” as in this Chinese song: Coming to God Just As I Am(照我真的本相)

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