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Love Good, Sober-Minded, Just! Ark Channel 31/10/2022 Mon Titus 1

in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began (v2)

* In 64 AD, the Roman Emperor Nero blamed the Christians for the fire, and the city was filled with injustice. Peter and Paul were martyred during that storm. Pray that God would raise up leaders in the world and the church of faith, godliness, hope, eternal life, and love for God (v.1-2)

Titus 1:1-16

* Recently I read a letter from John Newton, who wrote: “Many a time when I was sick almost to the point of death. I was like a sailor sleeping on the mast in a night of thunder and rain, not knowing whether I would be swept into the roaring sea when the next wave came…. But when the new day arrives, I look back on the storm and am filled with gratitude and joy. God removed the veil from my eyes when I had no way out”.

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