Dwelling With Men Forever!

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All Things Change! Ark Channel 30/11/2022 Wed 2 Peter 2

…but saved Noah, one of eight people… (v5a)

* God will save, but Noah still spent 120 years building the ark, enduring the ridicule of his neighbours. Time is God’s faithful servant, we should faithfully follow God’s will until the flood comes, to warn and punish the evil. God has His time.

2Peter 2

* Plants can count and foretell? BBC Earth discovers amazing plants:
The Green Planet

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To Brotherly Kindness Love!

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Confirmed Prophetic Word Shines In Darkness! Ark Channel 29/11/2022 Tue 2 Peter 1

… that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (v4b)

* Since we are under God’s sovereignty, there’s no need to complain about our circumstances. We have all received precious faith, partakers in the divine nature, in the righteousness of God and of Christ! The day will soon dawn, and the morning star will appear. Live our days in virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, and love!

2Peter 1

* The journey of an athlete and coach: “With my injury, experiencing ups and downs, I thank God for keeping me. I experienced peace in my hip replacement surgery. From a few hours of waiting until the completion of the surgery, I went from restlessness to peace. He showed me His glory and grace. Praise Him!”

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Cast on God all your cares!

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Because He Cares About You! – Ark Channel 28/11/2022 Mon 1 Peter 5

…. clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, (v5)

* We need to shepherd His people amidst chaos. Who is there to care and accompany the flock who are in distress? Do not give up on your faith. Do not let go of your flock. We are strong and steadfast all the more in the storm. The Greatest Shepherd is soon to come. The crown is laid up for you.

1Peter 5

* Politician in the west, William E. Gladstone said, “If at all I am eloquent in any way, it is all thanks to my Bible time with my mother since I was kid.”

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Hospitality is Better Than Grumbles! – Sunday Hope_27/11/2022

Peter 1 No Comments »

Suffer for God’s Good Purpose – Sunday Hope 27/11/2022 I Peter 4

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (v10)

* We are willing to practise self-sacrifice, for we have experienced Christ’s love by His self-sacrifice. While we offer help out of love, sometimes we will meet troubles, conflicts, misunderstanding, even ingratitude. Don’t grumble. Love of the Cross means we are are enduring all these alone. We have the faithful Creator caring for us. We have the Spirit of glory to keep us company.

1Peter 4

* Life is a wonderful journey and a beautiful song: You Were With Me(陪我渡過), in Cantonese, by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry

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Sanctify the Lord God!

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Eyes of the LORD’s on the Righteous! – Ark Channel 26/11/2022 Sat I Peter 3

…be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. (v.8)

* Live a godly life. Wives submit to the husband. Husbands give honour to the wife. Fellow workers get along with understanding. Always be ready to share gospel, with meekness and fear, with non-believers.

1Peter 3

* Chinese Sermon by Rev Gordon Siu/ 蕭壽華牧師 at a Bible conference in Toronto Live out the Eternal Christ under the New Normal(新常態下活出永恆的基督)

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Fear God, Honour the King!

Peter 1 No Comments »

Now you have received mercy! – Ark Channel 25/11/2022 Fri 1 Peter 2

…Now to you who believe, this stone is precious…(v.7)

* Come before the Lord (v.1-10), follow His footsteps (v.11-25): this is how we live as His living stones – a royal status, this submission is the mystery of how we are built into God’s holy temple.

1Peter 2:1-25

* A nurse intern’s reflections – serving patients in love and honesty (Traditional Chinese)

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The Word of the Lord Endures!

Peter 1 No Comments »

Set your hope on Christ’s revealing! – Ark Channel 241122 Thu 1 Peter 1

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober… (v.13)…

* Amidst persecution and trials, remember four things: (1) restrain yourself and await the Lord, (2) be holy, for God is holy, (3) live our foreigners’ lives in reverent fear, and (4) love one another deeply! (v.13-22)

1Peter 1:1-25

* Everything has its time; we do things just-in-time. Bro. Raymond Chin (Singapore) speaks on Being just-in-time/要及時(Cantonese): .

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ray In Suffering; Praise In Joy!

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Be Patient Until The Lord Returns! Ark Channel 23/11/2022 Wed James 5

…See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. (v7)

* Be watchful in times of plenty, be patient in times of storm, and turn to God in all things. Confessing our sins to one another, it may be an unexpected way out midst our misery! (v16-17)

James 5:1-20

* All creatures roam freely on the earth and in the sky, enjoying themselves. Enjoy the tranquility of wildlife and listen to the beautiful sounds.

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To Taste Your Love, Is My Hope!

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If The Lord Wills! Ark Channel 22/11/2022 Tue James 4

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you… (v8a)

* He who has true faith waits patiently, knowing that he does not have a complete picture of the future, and therefore is always humble, always honors God, and never boasts!

James 4:1-17

* Do you blame pastors for boring sermons? Could it be that we are losing the art of listening to the sermon? Lost Art of Attentive Sermon Listening from Jonathan Routley

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Make Peace!

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Bind The Tongue! Ark Channel 21/11/2022 Mon James 3

For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. (v16)

* The Chinese character for tongue (舌) is made up of ‘thousand” and ‘mouth’. The art of speech nowadays is so clever that it can deceive and control people. Don’t be easily deceived by the play of words but pay attention to the source – is it from the Lord or from the evil one?

James 3:1-18

* Marshall Brandon fell prey to drug addiction and experienced Life’s cure and became an elder in the church!

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Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment! – Sunday Hope_20/11/2022

James, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Oh, what is Faith without Works? – Sunday Hope 20/11/2022 James 2

… and he was called the friend of God (v23)

* James mentioned Abraham and Rahab as models of faith. Abraham responded to God by works of obedience. Three times he was described in the Bible as the friend of God. By her work of rescue of two spies, Rahab was chosen by God to be a woman ancestor in the genealogy of Christ.

James 2:1-26

* Vocal ensemble of T4G (Together for the Gospel) Live II Behold Our God

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Trials Produce Patience!

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Double-Mindedness Won’t Lead to Any Blessings! – Ark Channel 19/11/2022 Sat James 1

for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. (v20)

* It is a great blessing to live in godliness and joy. For some, joy is the flower of suffering. There is yet another kind of joy — the joy of heart despite life’s upheavals, be it a mobility upward from low to high, or downward from high to low.

James 1:1-27

* An inspiring interview, Part 2, arranged by GNCI with Rev Gordon Siu/ 蕭壽華牧師 looking back on his lifelong ministry and shepherding Conversation from the heart (真証心底話, in Chinese)

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Marriage should be honoured by all!

Hebrews No Comments »

Look for the city to come! – Ark Channel 18/11/2022 Fri Hebrews 13

…for God has said: Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” (v.5)

* God walks with us such that we can stand firm in a wavering generation; an unshakable kingdom lives amongst us, and an unchangeable Lord lives amongst us! Love one another; in our churches, offer up a pleasing sacrifice of service, and the God who gives us peace will complete us!

Hebrews 13:1-25

* The miracle of being joyful by the Lord/ Habakuk (Pastor KJ Lin/林克己牧師) (OMF missionary, once participated in student ministry, and in later years, served Chinese students in England — we are grateful!)

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Obtain A Better Resurrection!

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Through Faith Subdued Kingdoms! Ark Channel 16/11/2022 Wed Hebrews 11b

By faith they passed through the Red Sea as by dry land… (v29)

* With faith, the patriarchs lived on earth as if in heaven (v7-16), waiting for the heavenly city, triumphed over death, defied earthly powers (v24-40) and experienced corporate salvation. The patriarchs, whom the world was not worthy, wanted to share with us something better that God has provided!

Hebrews 11:17-40

* A doctor once said that men are less likely to seek treatment for their illnesses, while women are smarter to seek early treatment for minor illnesses. The average life expectancy of a married man is 17 years longer than that of a single man, probably due to the influence of his wife. Before God, repent; before your spouse, listen to her advice!

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Died In Faith!

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Being Dead, Through Faith Still Speaks! Ark Channel 15/11/2022 Tue Hebrews 11a

for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. (v10)

* Abel believed God would bring justice; Enoch believed God would continue to walk with him; Noah believed in the inerrancy of God’s decree; Abraham believed God is Lord of the whole earth. Sarah believed God could perform miracles; Joseph believed in receiving the promised land; Moses believed in the LORD that cannot be seen and set his mind to suffer with His people; even the Gentile women believed God could change their destiny!

Hebrews 11:1-16

* Celebrating 43 Years of Faithful Ministry with Pastor Rick and Kay Warren

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The Just Shall Live By Faith!

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You Need Endurance! Ark Channel 14/11/2022 Mon Hebrews 10b

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works (v24)

* Hebrews was written in a time of great persecution when many were ready to give up! No wonder the Holy Spirit says, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.” (v35) This is the path of truth, the enduring possession in heaven awaits us. Rise up and walk together!

Hebrews 10:19-39

* Goodnews Communications Testimony in Chinese (人願放手 神願介入) – Aesop and his wife Carmen experienced the ups and downs of sickness. How did they learn to be thankful?

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With a Better Hope! – Sunday Hope_13/11/2022

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So We Will Walk in Your Purpose! – Sunday Hope 13/11/2022 Hebrews 10

Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, (v19)

* Let us care for each other in rainy and stormy seasons of life. Let us recall more of God’s grace in situation of hardship. Do not give up assembling together. If we fall behind and quit, we will easily become the devil’s snack dishes!

Hebrews 10:1-18

* The building up of the church depends on our joining of heart and humbly joining of hands beneath the Cross. Listen to this song by Stream of Praise Music Ministries :
Unity, in Mandarin with English subtitles(同心合意)

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Endurance Rewarded with Promise!

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For Salvation! – Ark Channel 12/11/2022 Saturday Hebrews 9

… He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption. (v12)

* We have a better Saviour (Hebrews 1-10). He is supreme in identity and work, opening up for us a chapter of better life (Hebrews 11-13). He empowers us to cross over by faith, to hope with patience, and to endure God’s discipline on us. We are living out the reality of brotherly love and living on earth as a sojourner. A journey of no return.

Hebrews 9:1-28

* Tim Keller on How Culture is Changing and the Future of the Church

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A Better Guarantor!

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He does not remember our trespasses! – Ark Channel 11/11/2022 Fri Hebrews 8

…We do have such a high priest, who sat down at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven (v1)

* The better covenant is more powerful. The old covenant was weak and powerless, letting Man know his sin, but was powerless to help him break free. God set up a new covenant – the precious blood forgiving sins, and through an infinite power of life, making His law engraved on our hearts so that we know God, love God, and emulate God!

Hebrew 8:1-13

* Story of Asta Nilsson.

Lord, I am coming!

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He is the King of Peace! – Ark Channel 10/11/2022 Thu Hebrews 7

…Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant. (v22)

* Our High Priest in Heaven, full of power, might, mercy, and righteousness lives forever! He works forever, does not change, and can save thoroughly, making us complete forever. Always look upwards!

Hebrew 7:1-28

* Theme of this year’s HK Bible Conference is “Eternal Hope“. In November, we are replaying all 28 sermons by Bill Crowder, SJ Li/李思敬, and David Pao/鮑維均 (Cantonese, English, Mandarin, sign language, and notes).

Diligent & Hopeful Unto the End!

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Savoring God’s Virtues! – Ark Channel 09/11/2022 Wed Hebrews 6

saying, “indeed I will greatly bless you and I will greatly multiply you.” (v14)

* Heeding the divine calling, no matter how rough, how tough, by His grace, we press onto maturity. (v.1-8) Do not even pause! All the more, by faith, enter within the veil, approach the throne of mercy with confidence. (v.9-12) By two unchangeable things, God helps us through to accomplish all: 1. Driven by God’s promise. What God promises, He materialises. (6:14-15);2.God’s oath, it is impossible for God to lie. (6:16-18)

Hebrew 6:1-20

* Should a Christian bet on Sports?

Lead Me In Darkness!

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Priest Forever! Ark Channel 08/11/2022 Tue Hebrews 5

But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. (v14)

* Being young and ignorant, babies are easily deceived. Unable to protect themselves, they rely on others to take care of them! Adults are strong and powerful, able to discern and understand, have the ability to protect themselves and take care of others. As a Christian for many years, are we children or grown-ups?

Hebrew 5:1-14

* Late Rev. Philip YEUNG / 楊錫鏘牧師 message on the Betrayal of Jesus: facing the ugliness of sin

Enter HIS Rest!

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Do Not Harded Your Heart! Ark Channel 07/11/2022 Mon Hebrews 4

…that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (v16b)

* The original text for “help in time of need” is “timely help”. The former is anytime and the latter is at the brink of time. When the disciples were shaken in the boat, the LORD came to their aid on the sea. The widow’s son died and the Lord came to “revive” him…The Lord is our timely rain, our just-in-time help!

Hebrew 4:1-16

* Mail from Australia: Responding to the Ark Channel about Asta Nilsson. Before she left HK, we had close contact with her. I took care of her, driving her to the doctor’s office and made arrangements for her to live in Shatin after retirement… She diligently served in refugee camps and HK for many years before returning to Sweden. We are thankful for these servants of God ~ Eva (Church in Sydney)

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Exhort One Another Daily! – Sunday Hope

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While it is called “Today”! Sunday Hope 06/11/2022 Hebrews 3

but Christ as a Son over His own house,… (v. 6)

* Peace and security seem so illusory in this secular world, when troubles come like sparks in close succession. Why then obsess ourselves with gloomy thoughts? Think more on Christ – His attributes, His work, His accomplishments! He is the King of Ages, the Heavenly High Priest. He is faithful over God’s house. Human kingdoms may rise and fall, but He exists forever!

Hebrew 3:1-19

* A compilation of singing all over the world, of 154 countries and 257 languages – praising God for His eternal blessings on His children! arkchannel sharing

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He Aids Us!

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Looking Up to Our Captain of Salvation! – Ark Channel 05/11/2022 Sat Hebrews 2

… all things in subjection under his feet. (v8)

* Our Captain of Salvation – for whom and through whom everything exists – has triumphed over death and crushed the devil. He is now our High Priest praying for us who are tempted by weakness. He disciplines us and strengthens us. Now on the path of sanctification, Christ the Holiest knows all our twists and turns. Despite all the uncertainties, He is leading us to perfection!

Hebrew 2:1-18

* Two Chinese sermons on Revelation by Brother Dixon IP Tak Sang / 葉特生
The Lamb and the New City, Sermon 1(羔羊與新城(啟示錄第1堂))
The Lamb and the New City, Sermon 2(羔羊與新城(啟示錄第2堂))

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Heaven and earth will pass, but not You!

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He Sustains All By His Word! – Ark Channel 04/11/2022 Fri Hebrews 1

…Your throne, O God, will last forever; a sceptre of justice will be the sceptre of your kingdom. (v.8)

* Hebrews focuses all eternity on Christ! He is God and was also man, surpassing angels, Moses, and all other great men! Millennia will pass like the wind, but only Christ is unchanging. In this life we must persevere through trials, come to the throne of grace often, and not retreat because the High Priest in Heaven is interceding for us. He is on night duty!

Hebrew 1:1-14

* Fighting anxiety with the Old Testament. (Christianity Today, traditional Chinese)

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