Vast His Grace as Waters are Wide!

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Step by step, follow the Lord! – Ark Channel 03/11/2022 Thu Philemon

If he has done you any wrong or owes you anything, charge it to me. (v18)

* Onesimus was a fugitive on the run. He met Paul in jail, came to Christ, was freed from sin, and became a Brother, all because of Jesus paying the price. There is nothing incidental in life!

Philemon 1:1-25

* Asta Nilsson witnessed her father come to Christ, quit smoking and drinking, dramatically transforming her family. Her mother also was baptized as a result. Nilsson lived till 83, and for about 50 years she served the poor in Hong Kong and China, founding schools and churches.

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I Will Always Be With You!

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Ready For Every Good Work! Ark Channel 02/11/2022 Wed Titus 3

to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. (v2)

* Titus exhorts everyone to do the right thing – to outsiders, we need to live out good works, contributing at work and in the society; to believers, we should learn to bear more fruit. We should avoid slanderous arguments!

2 Thessalonians 2:1-17

* After WWII, a brother was serving the Lord in a remote area. He once told of the time when the Lord commanded Peter to set a net to catch fish, and the fishes he caught filled two boats. The brother said, “It is evident that those fish were willing to throw themselves into the net in obedience to the Lord’s command. What those fish got from God was just a little bit of lake water and some weeds, but once they were called by God, they were brave to choose to die. We have experienced a lifetime of grace from the Lord, what have we done for Him? About 700 people knelt down to pray and cried…”.

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Sound Speech That Cannot Be Condemned!

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Diligently Follow Every Good Work! Ark Channel 01/11/2022 Tue Titus 2

…and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. (v14b)

* In a fake and corrupt society – older men should be sober, reverent, sound in faith, in love and in patience; older women should not slander, not be given to much wine. Young women should love their husbands and children, be chasten, homemakers and gracious to others. Young men should be sober minded in a morally corrupt city. Pastors should set a pattern of good works, be sound in speech. Servants should be obedient to their master, be truthful…As salvation has been revealed, the church should manifest the divine virtues everywhere!

Titus 2:1-15

* A woman who had an unmarried pregnancy and abortion when she was young could not forgive herself for the rest of her life and was in pain. Then she met a Christian doctor who gave her two verses from the Bible and her pain was relieved! (1 John 1:9 / 2 Cor 5:17)

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