Sound Speech That Cannot Be Condemned!

Titus No Comments »

Diligently Follow Every Good Work! Ark Channel 01/11/2022 Tue Titus 2

…and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works. (v14b)

* In a fake and corrupt society – older men should be sober, reverent, sound in faith, in love and in patience; older women should not slander, not be given to much wine. Young women should love their husbands and children, be chasten, homemakers and gracious to others. Young men should be sober minded in a morally corrupt city. Pastors should set a pattern of good works, be sound in speech. Servants should be obedient to their master, be truthful…As salvation has been revealed, the church should manifest the divine virtues everywhere!

Titus 2:1-15

* A woman who had an unmarried pregnancy and abortion when she was young could not forgive herself for the rest of her life and was in pain. Then she met a Christian doctor who gave her two verses from the Bible and her pain was relieved! (1 John 1:9 / 2 Cor 5:17)

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