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Hebrews No Comments »

Do Not Harded Your Heart! Ark Channel 07/11/2022 Mon Hebrews 4

…that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (v16b)

* The original text for “help in time of need” is “timely help”. The former is anytime and the latter is at the brink of time. When the disciples were shaken in the boat, the LORD came to their aid on the sea. The widow’s son died and the Lord came to “revive” him…The Lord is our timely rain, our just-in-time help!

Hebrew 4:1-16

* Mail from Australia: Responding to the Ark Channel about Asta Nilsson. Before she left HK, we had close contact with her. I took care of her, driving her to the doctor’s office and made arrangements for her to live in Shatin after retirement… She diligently served in refugee camps and HK for many years before returning to Sweden. We are thankful for these servants of God ~ Eva (Church in Sydney)

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