With a Better Hope! – Sunday Hope_13/11/2022

Hebrews No Comments »

So We Will Walk in Your Purpose! – Sunday Hope 13/11/2022 Hebrews 10

Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, (v19)

* Let us care for each other in rainy and stormy seasons of life. Let us recall more of God’s grace in situation of hardship. Do not give up assembling together. If we fall behind and quit, we will easily become the devil’s snack dishes!

Hebrews 10:1-18

* The building up of the church depends on our joining of heart and humbly joining of hands beneath the Cross. Listen to this song by Stream of Praise Music Ministries :
Unity, in Mandarin with English subtitles(同心合意)

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