Hospitality is Better Than Grumbles! – Sunday Hope_27/11/2022

Peter 1 No Comments »

Suffer for God’s Good Purpose – Sunday Hope 27/11/2022 I Peter 4

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (v10)

* We are willing to practise self-sacrifice, for we have experienced Christ’s love by His self-sacrifice. While we offer help out of love, sometimes we will meet troubles, conflicts, misunderstanding, even ingratitude. Don’t grumble. Love of the Cross means we are are enduring all these alone. We have the faithful Creator caring for us. We have the Spirit of glory to keep us company.

1Peter 4

* Life is a wonderful journey and a beautiful song: You Were With Me(陪我渡過), in Cantonese, by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry

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