To Brotherly Kindness Love!

Peter 2 No Comments »

Confirmed Prophetic Word Shines In Darkness! Ark Channel 29/11/2022 Tue 2 Peter 1

… that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (v4b)

* Since we are under God’s sovereignty, there’s no need to complain about our circumstances. We have all received precious faith, partakers in the divine nature, in the righteousness of God and of Christ! The day will soon dawn, and the morning star will appear. Live our days in virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, and love!

2Peter 1

* The journey of an athlete and coach: “With my injury, experiencing ups and downs, I thank God for keeping me. I experienced peace in my hip replacement surgery. From a few hours of waiting until the completion of the surgery, I went from restlessness to peace. He showed me His glory and grace. Praise Him!”

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