My Heart Awaits!

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No Fear In Love! Ark Channel 05/12/2022 Mon 1 John 4

… because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (v4)

* To think freedom is to choose what you want but in fact it is consumerism. Freedom in Christ is when we willingly set aside our rights and opinions out of love.

1John 4

* Fonny had a difficult childhood because her father’s business failed. In high school, a classmate prayed for each classmate by name including Fonny. Years later, she became a youth counsellor and preacher. She reconciled with her father, led him to be saved and baptized, enjoyed God’s saving grace. Praise the Lord!

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We Are Truly God’s Children! – Sunday Hope_04/12/2022 (1 John 3)

John 1, Sunday Hope No Comments »

We Shall Be Like Him When He is Revealed – Sunday Hope 041222 I John 3

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (v16)

* Three characteristics of God’s children: they are like God; they love their fellow Christians (v. 1-17); they have confidence toward God and people (v. 18-24)

1John 3

*Praise Dance: Do Not Worry

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Darkness Gone! True Light is Shining!

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He Who Loves His Brothers Abides in Light! – Ark Channel 03/12/2022 Sat I John 2

And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life. (v.25)

* God’s heart is full of compassion. He moves us to love and care for each other. His church acts in love and faith, yet such acts must be measured by God’s truth. Love which oversteps the boundaries of morality and God’s rules is toxic!

1John 2

* A couple deeply in love and in conflicts. See how they mend their brokenness and make miracles together.
Appointment Under the Rainbow, Testimony published in Chinese by Good News Communication International (相約在彩虹)

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So that your joy may be full!

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Purify us from our unrighteousness! – Ark Channel 021222 Fri 1 John 1

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all… (v.5)

* There are many secrets in the world because we have so much darkness in our hearts. God is light; before Him, nothing can be hidden. To live happily, open up to Him honestly, and be in communion with Him. He will forgive our sins!

1John 1

* KK Leung/梁國權 speaks on Receiving by our Gifts/按才幹受托

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Stir Up the Honest Heart!

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Remember the Commands of the Savior! – Ark Channel 01/12/2022 Thu 2 Peter 3

… with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. (v8)

* Many are scoffers: When will the Lord come back! ((v.1-7) But let us forget not the Lord’s promise of His Coming again. (v.8-13) Look to the Lord’s return, spend this time that the Lord gives us to mature in life. (v.14-18)

2Peter 3:1-18

* The work of wonders by the Holy Spirit moving Abraham Kuyper, once a prime minister of Holland, together with his fellowsaints to bring down the revival in the 19th century, Exalting the Cross, Kuyper planted churches, up to 700 of them.

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