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Those I Love, I Rebuke And Chasten! Ark Channel 12/12/2022 Mon Revelation 3

Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. (v11)

* In the whole church in Sardis, only a few people walked with God in white garments. But God also saw them too! Their names are in the book of life. Maybe God wants to transform the church from Sardis to Philadelphia through you and a few others!

Relevation 3:1-22

* Letter from Calgary: Lucy, an 86-year-old Polish native, is a Catholic. She has been attending a Bible study for several years and is now moving to another elderly home. We had her as our guest for over two hours to listen to her life story, from a young girl to now. Thank God… God really loves her. She bought a Bible and started reading God’s word. ~Canada/仕傑,明燕 -(Sam Storms)

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