Pure and Persevering with Faith!

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This is my beloved son! Ark Channel 05/01/2023 Thu Matthew 3

…But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry… (v11)

* The applause of men cannot be compared to the praise of the Heavenly Father! John the Baptist understood his role and was wise, knowing how to behave, live, and serve, recognizing who is the boss and who is the Lord!

Matthew 3:1-17

* Thinking and Direction – Responding to contemporary atheism Designed The Designer? A response to Dawkins’ The God Delusion by Dr. William Lane Craig

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Seek HIM As A Treasure!

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Search For The Living Star! Ark Channel 04/01/2023 Wed Matthew 2b

saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young Child’s life are dead.” (v20)

* God commands all things to work for the good – Throughout history wicked men schemed to destroy Jesus and hinder His messages and disciples. But even strong men like Herod and Caesar were just shooting stars; the worship for the true King has never stopped!

Matthew 2:13-23

* Illusions and Understanding” – a sociological and psychological approach to interpersonal relationships for the married, those considering marriage and those dating and in love – Dr. Charles Yu/余德淳博士.

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The Center Of History!

Matthew No Comments »

Flee To Egypt! Ark Channel 03/01/2023 Tue Matthew 2

…they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (v11)

* A troubled king, a troubled Jerusalem city, a troubled history that takes the reader’s breath away! In the midst of the danger, Matthew is on the scene to visit the Lord of peace. The focus of the news is “God’s keeping never leaves”. This is our comfort!

Matthew 2

* Canada’s little flock: We invited our Korean friend Danny for lunch at home. Thank the Lord he accepted Jesus as Savior and prayed together. Danny’s wife is a former Muslim and now longs for Christ, so her family no longer talks to her. The two of them are looking for a church. May everyone know the Lord in the New Year – Calgary Bro. Timothy/仕傑弟兄

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He Abandons Me Not!

Matthew No Comments »

Call His Name Jesus! – Ark Channel 02/01/2023 Mon Matthew 1

she (Mary) was found with child of the Holy Spirit. (v18)

* Commercial conduct, salary, conflicts and solutions, wealth and necessities, interpersonal relationships, investments, savings are all recorded meticulously in Jesus’ parables and stories. In the ever changing world, the Holy Spirit remains here and near. (v18-21)

Matthew 1:18-25

Man’s created all for the sake of entering rest”. by Bernard KW WONG/ President of China Graduate School of Theology

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Behold, God is Opening a Way! – Sunday Hope_01/01/2023 (Matthew 1)

Matthew, Sunday Hope No Comments »

New Year, New Creation, New Spirit! Sunday Hope 0/10/20123 Matthew 1a

“… and they shall call His name Immanuel.” (v. 23)

* Matthew, a finance expert, used to be the chief tax collector in the Province of Judea under Roman rule. With a down-to-earth writing style, he penned the great events of Jesus. He also demonstrated how to manage our daily living under God’s brand new plan. The secret lies in “God with us” (v.23) !

Matthew 1:1-17

* A well-wishing song for the new year: Longing for the day, when I see your face 新耶路撒冷New Jerusalem

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