Hear the Lord’s Command!

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Serve Him alone! – Ark Channel 06/01/2023 Fri Matthew 4

Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God (v.4)

* The devil targets the vulnerability of human nature and tries to disrupt our relationship with God, offering quick success in exchange! When Satan comes knocking, do not answer the door yourself. First turn to Jesus and listen to the commands from the Word of God.

Matthew 4:1-11

* “Good News Media” records “Drops of the Spirit” every day, with the thoughts of many pastors – Jan 1 discusses the metaphor of a half cup of water, but thinking about it coming from God, perhaps a half cup is already grace in abundance. Jan 2, a son asks his mother: when was the happiest time of your life? The mother says: now because I am with you… arkchannel sharing

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