Be Of Good Cheer, It’s I!

Matthew, Pray No Comments »

The Wind Ceased – Ark Channel 27/01/2023 Friday Matthew 14b

And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him,…. (v.31)

* In times of distress, the Lord first reached out to Peter and then rebuked him. The Lord often supports us before rebuking us to awaken us. This year, in order to make spiritual progress, there will be trials, but the Lord’s hand will always be there to guide us!

Matthew 14:22-36

* Happy New Year! On the third day, we took 25 non-believer friends to the Science Park, Man Yee Reservoir, and Fei Ngo Shan for a tour. On the fourth day, we had a New Year’s celebration with 40 gospel friends, sharing about the Christian faith. Please pray for them – Pastor and Mrs. Wong (HK).

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