O Lord, Help Me!

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Your Heart is Far from Me! – Ark Channel 28/01/2023 Sat Matthew 15a

For God commanded, saying, “Honour your father and your mother”;… (v4)

* Honour your father and your mother — the first and foremost of interpersonal relationships among the Ten Commandments. Disrespect towards parents is a violation of normal human relationship. We are taught in The Proverbs: Listen to your father who begot you, and do not despise your mother when she is old. Parent-child relationship is indeed a mirror of our spiritual relationship with God!

Matthew 15:1-20

* No Need to Envy Others(毋須羡慕別人). A Chinese sermon by Brother YU Hongjie on accepting with courage and honesty what God has measured for you and me, because God’s work is unique on everyone of us.

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