Give You Keys to the Kingdom!

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What to give in exchange for life? – Ark Channel 02/02/2023 Thu Matthew 17b

“…and they will kill Him, and the third day He will be raised up.” And they were exceedingly sorrowful. (v23)

* The Lord performed the only miracle in the world that used money – with one fish and one coin, it was just enough to pay the temple tax for Him and Peter, fulfilling all righteousness.

Matthew 17:14-27

* The Adventures of Mike (2) – In high school, I was able to live with my mom and older brother. Before the Form 5 exams, my mom was diagnosed with cancer, and I was in complete chaos, unable to study for any of my subjects. I pleaded to Jesus: my mom had suffered her whole life, lacking the love of a husband… I asked the Lord to save her and release the pain in her heart. Thank the Lord for healing my mom; she also decided to believe in Him.

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No One But Jesus Only!

Matthew No Comments »

Arise, Do Not Be Afraid! Ark Channel 01/02/2023 Wed Matthew 17a

…“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (v5)

* The glory of the King of Heaven was revealed, but the following forewarning of His suffering was a great blow to the disciples. In the way of the cross, suffering and glory are tightly coupled, one cannot be without the other.

Matthew 17:1-13

* It has been said that every person is like a rose with thorns, but once we are in God’s hands, we no longer have thorns. She was 13 years old when she started on drugs and took 18 years to become clean. Jesus’ love is the greatest blessing.

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