Frozen But Still Alive!

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Forgive From The Heart! Ark Channel 06/02/2023 Mon Matthew 19b

Then Peter answered and said to Him, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” (v27)

* To follow the Lord means: to turn to Him wholeheartedly and submit to Him; secondly, to turn to Him and be sanctified, reject any evil influence; thirdly, to serve Him and spread the gospel; and finally, to follow Him is also to ensure hardship for Him.

Matthew 19:16-30

** Mike’s Adventure (3) – I was worried about my mother’s illness and I had to work due to family constraints …. I was a half orphan. Only by trusting in the Lord was I able to get established in the business world, have a family and became an entrepreneur at the age of 40. For my children’s education, I immigrated to England. With a family, there was a lot of pressure. Last year, my family caught Covid but God’s word reminded me to have faith (Mt 14:31)!

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