Being Brothers, Help One Another!

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Support And Connect To Each Other! 13/02/2023 Mon Matthew 23a

…you are all brethren. (v8)

* Christ alone is our Master and Teacher. All of God’s people are equal and are brothers. He who regards himself a spiritual authority tends to inflate himself and eventually falls! Leaders are also servants, our Lord was once a carpenter!

Matthew 23:1-22

* A friend testified that when he was young, he had a confrontation with a friend at the airport and wanted to hit him but his father grabbed him by the hand and said, “Dad may not be a Christian, but he’s nicer than you.” This remark caused him to reflect on himself; he later apologised to all his family members. His father said to his wife: “My son has really changed… I know the Jesus he believes is real because previously he would never have done such a thing.”

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