Christ of God, My Righteousness!

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You Will Reap What You Sow! – Ark Channel 180223 Sat Matthew 25b

…Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: (v34)

* Hunger and thirst. Stranger on a journey. Naked without clothes. Sickness. Imprisonment. All these describe the miseries and misfortunes experienced by Christians and Israel. Indeed we are in the same boat. If we truly love our LORD, we will care for our brothers and the weak.

Matthew 25:31-46

* At 2030, the global population of 60-year-old and above will rise to 1.4 billion. It is to our benefit to listen to this lecture on geropsychology. 老年心理/【一席】 (Talk series by Professor PENG Huamau /彭華茂教授, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University)

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