Never Forget His Grace!

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Who can This be? – Ark Channel 04/03/2023 Sat Mark 4b

Then he arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still.” (v39)

* Windstorms are testing ground for our faith. Our LORD said he would cross over with us to the other side of the sea. Would he say it in vain?

Mark 4:21-41

* “My calling spurs me on. The LORD’s grace rekindles me“. Missionaries fuel many with their life testimonies. This world is our mission field. It is not our home. We will return home when our mission is completed. Our LORD has not called us home yet, so let us diligently work our part. (Message by Albertina Wong / 黃劉雅璧. Read the full Chinese message in CCM Proclaim).

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A hundred fold!

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Stand out and be devoted! – Ark Channel 03/03/2023 Fri Mark 4a

But other seed fell on good ground… (v8)

* Working hard in the Lord is never in vain. Negative examples around us are common, but some still truly understand the Lord’s way and grow firmly. Why be discouraged?

Mark 4:1-20

* Godspell – Based on the Gospel of Matthew, the famous Broadway musical will be performed in Cantonese at the Grand Hall in Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Tsuen Wan from 24/3 to 9/4. Ponder life in a joyful atmosphere, and invite your young gospel friends. For more information, please visit arkchannel sharing.

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No Dress Rehearsal in Life!

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Take Action! Stop Complaining! – Ark Channel 02/03/2023 Thu Mark 3b

Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother. (v.35)

* What is the will of God? It is for us to be sanctified, always rejoice, continually praying, thankful, and living Him out! There are 18 miracles in the Gospel of Mark, full of action and service to others!

Mark 3:20-35

* Pastor Fernando (Sri Lanka) preached at Welch College in Tennessee on March 3rd and visited the church to complete his writing. He is concerned about the family life of Christians and asks everyone to pray for his service journey.

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Stop Our Work, Focus On His!

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Christians Show Gratitude! Ark Channel 01/03/2023 Wed Mark 3a

For He healed many… (v10)

* The Lord seized the time to help the needy while not forgetting to build the team and develop talents. His presence and authority is our greatest resource!

Mark 3:1-19

* George W Carver, an educator, agricultural chemist, and botanist, developed more than 300 by-products from groundnuts and peanuts, such as dyes, medicines, milk powder, and fertilizers. His expertise in soil use and plant pests and diseases brought great innovations to the American economy. He lived a simple life and his favorite scripture was Proverb 3:6: In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

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