He Cares!

Peter 1, Voice Divine Add comments
do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering… But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ… for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. < v12 -14 >

How to live in the rest of our earthy life? 3 steps of preparation work:
1. Live according to His will (v1-19) – turn away from evil path , walk on the path of God. We will lose something but remember He is the Creator God. Don’t worry!
2. Be a good manager of God’s grace (v7-11) – The end is near and we don’t have much time left. So use your talent wisely to serve others!
3. Wait for His judgment (v.12-19) – judgment will begin with family of God. If we live & suffer according to His will today, we do not have to worry about the future anymore!

*A couple of days ago, young student Man Hang brought 2 friends to gospel meeting & they became Christians. MH wrote , ‘3 years ago, I invited a classmate to a gospel meeting. He was saved & eager to pursue the truth. He has become my spiritual partner today! I felt ashamed as he was my only fruit over 3 years. I prayed for more… This morning, my two classmates confessed without hesitation. When I spoke & prayed with them, they were serious. Glory to God! God loves the world , He wants all to be saved. Whenever we stop bearing fruits, our spiritual lives stop growing. Peace be with you!’ -Man Hang

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