Why this Waste?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
For this is my blood… shed for many for remission of sins. <26:28>

Love is not h olding back — all for the Lord :
1. A beautiful thing?v.1…13?— Life and opportunities fly. Catch hold of the moment to spend for Lord!
2. A shameful thing?v.14…16?– One can give up and betray Jesus in a mind, and never to be recovered. Be careful!

? The stories of R. Chapman in 19th century aroused interest from sints. Simon from Scotland provides comments on Chapman by Spurgeon the famous pastor: — Though he (Chapman) is not well-known, he served quietly. But his humbleness shown when caring others had deeply influenced Hudson Taylor, John Nelson Darby and me…because his kindness, merciful, wisdom and love had influenced many throughout the world. His motto is ‘my career is to love, but never expecting to be loved in return’ His life challenged all the people of God to commit to Christ more deeply, and to love others more selflessly.”

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