Persevere, Fellow Companions! Our Home in Heaven Is In Sight!

Everyday New Testament, Hebrews, Sunday Hope Add comments
Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider …, even Jesus; (v1)

The Creator Who Made All Things – The Greater Moses

1. Partakers of a heavenly calling – our life is not without a meaning! Our calling is from heaven, calling us to return to heaven one day. (v1)

2. Eternal home – hold fast unto the end! Our home in heaven is the eternal abode for earthly sojourners like us. (v6)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Hebrews 3


* Fellow Companions/同路人, hymn … Thanks to God for allowing us to meet His way of Truth, allowing us to be fellow companions, partakers of the heavenly pilgrimage.

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