Be at Rest?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… they found a man…Simon …that he might bear His cross.

Forcing is the worst policy — Lord can’t save himself?
1. Simon was forced to bear the cross?v.32?– Sometimes humiliation & sufferings come suddenly. But this maybe a glorious time for you to share burden for Jesus!
2. Jesus came up the cross because of love?v.33…50?– …If Jesus saved Himself, we are all dead! Thank Him for bearing the shame and death for me, that I may live !

? The HK Church Book Room founded by Watchman Nee and his companions, had ahistory of half a century +. (Nee, who had martyred, influenced whole world through his writings. When I was young, I met devoted brothers who helped me to know God’s glorious plan in old site of this Bk Room.) HKCBR sells writings of Puritans & the Brethrens, now extremely low prices .?promotion till 13/4 at 5 Observatory Rd, TST . Enquiry: 2368 0848 )
? Tonight funeral of the father of Cheung Ka Chow ???. I preach “The Eternal Love”, pls pray for me & souls.

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