Our Body May Perish, Truth Is Forever True, His Kingdom Is Eternal!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations, Sunday Hope Add comments
….. that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life (v10b)

Crown of Smyrna in Asia

1. The Spokesman of Messiah’s Warriors is the one who lives forever, having conquered death and the ultimate foe in life. (v9)

2. The quality in victors of a church with power is in their faithfulness unto death.  Death is inevitable and we have to stand that trial ten days. (v13)

Scripture of the day: (NT): Rev 2


* Fetal protein in blood of young brother Enoch CHENG, HK/鄭以諾 is too low, now suffering swell in the leg. This is a critical condition. Let’s rally to plea before the Lord for his healing, Enoch’s faith in the Lord and will to fight this battle. Let’s also pray for Ivy, his mother, mercy and comfort on KB/國斌, his father. Emmanuel to his whole family. – Dorcas CHEUNG


* What I Can Take Pride In/足以自豪 , Video  on

XY YANG/楊小芳, a new immigrant from the Mainland who lost her two hands in an accident and thought of taking her own life. God’s love delivered her from hopelessness. How she is doing most things with her legs, putting aside all sorrows and living in joy by the Holy Spirit.


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