A Time to Wait?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… why has You forsaken me? <27:46>

Tough Times leading to victory at the end :
1. Judas’ ending?v.1…10? — Though one can’t undo his past, but true repentnce can change one’s future in eternity!
2. The governor’s ending?v.11…26?– He gave up to save Jesus under pressure and acted to please the crowd. He had lost the eternal life!
3. Jesus’ ending?v.27…54? — Sometimes God seems leaving His beloved ones alone. Don’t be despair, the resurrected Lord is before you!

? Bro Yu Siu Chuen ??? is going to have a heart surgery tomorrow. He had been a devoted Buddhist. But after his wife and daughter believed in God, he saw the peace and joy they had even in several calamities and finally surrendered to Lord in tears. (The surgery tomorrow morning HK)

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