He is risen?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
… Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…<28:19>

Conquering death — behold the orders of the eternal King :
1. Granting us Authority?v.18?…Submit yourself to Jesus! His all-conquering kingship is our backing!
2. Giving us Mission?v.19?…Having His command with us, go & win souls for Him!
3. Guarantee His presence?v.20?…Lord, who triumph over the enemies, is going before us. Fear not!

? After our Lord ascended 2006 years, his disciples increased from 11 to 2 billions! In these few centuries, the evangelical churches harvested more than 400 millions souls. The charismatic churches conquered Africa in these hundred years, 500 millions became new soldiers of heaven throughout the lands. Keep on the good works, for our King returns soon!

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