While the World Ignore His Grace, the Almighty Speaks Through Mother Nature!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations Add comments
And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel’s hand. (v4)

The Almighty Being Ordained

1. All heaven and earth stand still in complete silence at the moment when judgment is dawning! Heaven and earth worship in awe and silence. (v1)

2. Solemn praying is man’s cry to the Lord from inner heart. When prayers travel between heaven and earth, with them are God’s response. (v5)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 8


* Vast treasure of God’s messages through His servants (English). Tune in to hear great servants such as AW TOZER, Roy HESSION,  Vance HAVNER, Warren WIERSBE, Basilea SCHLINK, David WILKERSON, J.Vernon McGEE, Jackie PULLINGER, K.P. YOHANNAN, Stephen KAUNG, Leonard RAVEHILL, TA SPARKS, Milton GREEN, William MacDONALD, Oswald J. SMITH, Paul WASHER….



* … As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head. (Obadiah 1:15b)

Obadiah 1: The law of holy vengeance (lex talionis) tells that God does not tolerate sins and not punishing. This reveals to His children He is the ultimate sovereign.

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