The Best Thing is Having God’s Presence!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations Add comments
For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd,… And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes (v.17)

The Messiah’s Army

1. The Lamb as the General — The Lamb’s Army from the 12 tribes represent the citizens that He redeemed with His blood; they have won through sacrifice.(v.14)

2. The Flock Being Led — The road of difficulty leads to eternal happiness: the Lamb’s shepherding and God’s comforting.(v.17)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Revelations 7


* Brother James CHU/朱永毅 (NY), TK TSE/謝德建 (Vancouver), Sister SP NG/吳小萍 (Seattle), Bi, AuYeung CHOW/趙歐陽璧 and her daughter (Toronto), Woon CHENG (Singapore),KY KWAN/關家彥 and his wife (Darwin, Australia) and more have, at their own time, come to Hong Kong, and we have had great fellowship. May the Lord bless their footsteps. ML CHOW/周茂林 (Canada) has come to Hong Kong to visit the saints. The church that he meets at, Church of God in Richmond, will have a special meeting; the speaker will be KO LO/盧建安 from the USA, and the topic will be “The Foundations of Church Unity” (30/12/11 – 2/1/12). Please pray for the 140 followers that will attend.


* But the LORD took me from tending the flock and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel’. (Amos 7:15)

Amos 5-9: Amos was not a prophet who prophesied for the king in order to survive; the only reason he prophesied was because the Lord called him.

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