“Weaker You Are, Stronger Is God Inside You”!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations Add comments
If any man is for captivity, into captivity he goeth: if any man shall kill with the sword, with the sword must he be killed. (v10)

War Between the Strong & the Weak

1. Book of Life Held by the Lamb – A holy paradox! The Lamb who was deprived of his life holds the book of life. (v8)

2. Sword of the Saints – When faced with the beast, the faithful followers of the Lamb fought with all surpassing endurance and faithfulness in God. (v10)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 13


* Bro. NG Chak/吳澤, father-in-law of Sam Kong/father of Wai Kwan, Jennifer rests in peace of the Lord afternoon of Dec/22 (Thu). Please remember in our prayers that the Lord comforts mother-in-law YC CHIU/趙燕珍 and her whole house, tens of them to revive in their encounter with the Lord!


* A true, faithful living is a process, a means to attain the goal, not the goal itself. Repentance and belief in the Lord is just the beginning to this process and there are no pauses in between. We will have to walk with the Lord the rest of our life on earth. Whoever standing firm in His ways, obeying His will are bound to obtain the crown of glory God prepares for those who deserve it. Our journey on earth is tough and rough, but it is also full of splendid wonders. Whoever finishing the whole journey will find it most worthwhile.  (Dr. AW TOZER)/ 陶恕)


* The Lord is slow to anger but great in power; the Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished. (Nahum 1:3a)

Nahum 1-3: Righteousness is God’s character and also His means to build up a relationship with man, a universal standard by which He rules the world.

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