The Wilderness Is the Best Spot To Watch the True Face of the World!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations Add comments
These shall war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings; … (v14a)

Vision in the Wilderness

1. True face of the big city — the 3 great sins in the evil empire: falling morals, wasteful extravaganza, brutal destruction. (v1-5)

2. Companions of the Lamb — the Army of the Lamb are the faithful ones being called and chosen. It is the Lamb who fights, it is the army that follows. (v14)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 17


* Those Who Follow Christ/跟從耶穌的人  (video) Suffering is the seal that marks Christ. All who follow the Lord are making the choice of being blessed, and they have to be ready to pay a price.


* Consider, I pray you, from this day and backward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth month, …. from this day will I bless you ‘  (Haggai 2:18-19)

Haggai 1-2: The day when saints willed to rebuild the temple is the day they turn a new leaf in building a new relationship with God. From then onwards, we can partake the presence and blessing of God once again.

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