Evil Perishes At The Crush of God’s Power!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations, Sunday Hope Add comments
(Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walked naked, and they see his shame.) (v15)

God Who Intervenes History

1. A thief who boasts about his theft — The Lord’s second coming is like that of a thief. No one will be there to welcome Him, nor expecting Him.  What man should do is to wait with vigilance, not speculating future. (v15)

2. God who burns with fury – The 7 bowls are not about revenge. It is about justification. It is the righteous God’s ultimate disposal of the evil. (v17)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 16


* Joy to the World/普世歡騰


*  The Origin of Christmas As Seen Through Church History (text in Chinese)


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