In Trials, Many Things Are More Important Than Life

Everyday New Testament, Revelations Add comments
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on… (v13)

Bitterness of Life, Blessedness of Death

1. The Unending Nightmare — In eternity, the unfair scales of this world will be balanced, the beast’s worshippers will suffer forever, unable to find rest. (v11)

2. The Never-ending Joy — The loyal souls who have spent their lives, died, and ceased their toil, their work will find praise in eternity. (v13)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Revelation 14


* During Christmas, I will be taking an 18-hour train ride to train 100 ministers, please intercede in prayer for this. – Bro. James(HK)

* Churches in the Mountain Areas of China – On the 24th-25th of December, we will be having 4 consecutive Gospel meetings, please intercede in prayer for us – Ah Qiao


* Jehovah Draws Near to the Sorrowed Ones /Worship Song When helpless and down, and mired in darkness and pain, God will personally come to comfort us and save us from suffering and trials; because He is Jehovah our God.


* The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights… (Habakkuk 3:19)

Habakkuk 1-3: Man’s existence depends on the One from whom life flows; when we face difficult times, He injects life!

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