The Almighty One is Lord!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations Add comments
…Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!”…(v.9)

Two Feasts

The Lamb’s Wedding Supper — At the Messiah’s joyful supper, the ones who are invited are not the persecutors, but the persecuted saints. (v.9)

God’s Grand Supper — At this dreadful supper, the enemies of the Lamb are not the guests, but the food. (v.17-18)

Scripture of the Day (NT) : Revelation 19


* The LORD Jehovah Is Ruler  (Worship Song)

Those who trust in the LORD need not be afraid, those who hope in Him will not be put to shame.


* “‘When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,’ says the Lord Almighty. (Zechariah 7:13)

Zechariah 5-8: The interaction between us and God is dynamic; His response to our prayers entirely depends on how we use our actions to respond to Him.

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